Chapter 43

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l was the first to congratulate dad and Elena but l am also definitely the most unhappy about this whole new improvement,l love dad whole heartedly though so l will definitely support him.
"Daddy you're my hero"l said after sitting quietly with him for about 30 minutes.
"You've been through hell baby and l couldn't do anything,so tell me what can of hero does that" he said absently minded and l frowned.
"l know l've been through stuff but you've been the through the whole journey, you've been with me and suffered just as much as l did.Maybe even more but what matters is that you were with me and always. You've been there for laughter, joy and the pain heart and that makes you my hero"
Dad wiped a tear that caught him of guard and tried to smile at me through his tears but l could tell that he was going through an emotional turmoil.
"If you're worried that l'll feel jealous and won't accept the baby then you shouldn't because l promise that am gonna be the best sister in the whole wide world "l said putting on my fake big smile so that dad wouldn't know how disturbed l truly am.
"l love you my princess but this is something that has nothing to do with you and l have to work it out on my own." He said giving me kiss on my forehead and l took that as my cue to leave.
l couldn't get over the fact that l was going to have another sibling, a younger one at that.
"What has my favorite person in this whole wide world so worried "Elonzo said bumping into me in the corridor as he lift me up and twirling me around.
"Stop " l said giggling.
Elonzo carried me all the way to his room and threw me in his enormous bed.
"l really like your bed" l said standing up and jumping on it.
"Stop messing up my bed" he said climbing on the bed with his laptop and some files. l sat crisscrossed on the bed while he started working on god knows what.
"Do you think that dad will love the baby more" l said to him looking at my legs in order to avoid eye contact.
"l think you're the most important person to everyone in this house and honestly l don't think any could ever change that" he said holding my chin up and smiling brightly at me which made me smile.
"Then why is our dad so stressed." l said removing his laptop from his lap and laying my head.
"Because dad thinks that it'll make his princess very unhappy." He said thoughtfully.
"Can l have your bed when you get married and move out " l said looking at him expectantly.
"Who says am going to get married let alone move out once l do"
"Married people move out and live with their families and am also gonna move out when l do" l told him pointedly and he laughed. Like really laughed.
"Who says you're going to get married let alone talk to a boy "he said smirking and l huffed and left his room in anger but l could hear his laughter behind me.

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