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━━ love and death. (2024)
edward cullen x fem!oc
chapter sixteen

I parked my car in the parking lot beside my brother and my dads vehicle outside of the restaurant we normally eat at once a week. I never complained because it saved me a night from having to cook and do dishes, and I was in the best mood recently that I couldn't find the time to be upset about anything.

I was suddenly bombarded by Sunny and Amanda, my eyes growing wide while shooting my hands up in defense. "What are you guys doing here?" I laughed.

"Excuse me, Aspen Meredith Swan." Sunny raised her eyebrows and grabbed my shoulders, slightly shaking me. "Edward Cullen!?"

"Sunny – Sunny," Amanda laughed while trying to pull her away. "Don't break her before we can get any information out of her."

My smile dropped instantly into a frown. "Are you guys mad?"

"No!" Sunny laughed.

"We're just surprised but then again we did see this happening, we just didn't expect it to actually happen." Amanda confessed.

I tucked my hair behind my ear and shrugged my shoulders in a shy manner. "It's a long story. I mean we're friends — " Sunny narrowed her eyes and me and crossed her arms against my chest. "Just friends you say?"

"Yes," I told her sternly. "I don't know if I'm ready to commit just yet but — I am enjoying my time with him. Maybe when I start to know him better — "

Amanda shook her head and grinned happily. "You just don't see the way he looks at you the way we do. I swear he's been waiting for this moment since the first time you met — probably his entire life."

I laughed nervously knowing the obvious that it was most definitely true. "Okay, can I call you guys later? I'm meeting my brother and my dad for dinner. I promise I'll call."

"You better." Sunny warned as Amanda tried to drag her away. "I want details! Tell me he's a good kisser! What's his favorite cologne!"

I waved her off nervously, panic settling in on my face when other people in the parking lot turned to listen to our conversation. I quickly ran into the restaurant and sat down at the corner table where we usually sit.

Beau was already digging into a salad and dad was finishing up his steak and potatoes. "I know you said you didn't want anything but I got you a basket of fries just in case." Charlie pushed the food closer to me with his finger.

I smiled at the consideration. "Thanks dad."

When I looked at Beau, he was already staring at me with bright curious eyes like he was waiting for me to confirm things between Edward and I. I raised my eyebrows at him in a warning not to bring anything up to dad just yet — I wanted to do that on my own.

"So how's you and Edythe?" Charlie suddenly asked.

Instinctively I kicked Beau's foot from under the table. There was no way he beat me to the punch — why was he moving so quickly with her?

"Ow," he grunted deeply, shooting me a quick glare. "She's great. She invited me to play baseball with her family tomorrow."

Charlie furrowed his eyebrows. "You? Play baseball? Yeah — I'd like to see that."

Beau tried defending himself saying he could always learn and give it a shot. I stared down at my french fries and felt a sudden pang in my chest like maybe I was being excluded. Was Edward going with them to play a game and leaving me at home? It was never mentioned to me.

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