thirty one

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━━ love and death. (2024)
edward cullen x fem!oc
chapter thirty one

"So what happened to Sam? Last time I saw him was at La Push, now he has a whole group of teenagers following him around?" I was in the middle of picking at my fingernails while sitting in the passenger seat of Embry's car. He was officially eighteen which meant I no longer had to be the one carpooling for everybody and for once could enjoy myself and the view outside the window.

"Yeah, I'm not sure how to explain that." Embry tapped the steering wheel of his car — following a low tune coming from the radio.

We were on our way to visit Julie and my brother after hitting up one of the auto shops for parts. I dug deep into my savings for some cash — all those nights babysitting over the summer now put towards a bunch of scrap metal. He better thank me for this.

I looked over at Embry while resting my head back against the soft fabric of the seat. His long hair wisped against his shoulders from the breeze peeking in through the window. "How come you haven't cut your hair like the others? Even I noticed Sam has gone a little shorter lately."

"It's meaningful to have long hair," he chuckled at my comment. "It would feel like a dishonor to the tribe if I cut it — so I let it grow and only get it trimmed occasionally when it becomes unbearable."

"Is that what your friend Kai thinks too?" I raised my eyebrow at my friend and his cheeks turned a light shade of red. "I was wondering when you would mention him — I'm surprised you didn't kick his ass the other day."

"I should've," I grumbled while turning my gaze out the window.

Embry laughed again, more softer this time and with a hint of reassurance in his voice. "Don't worry too much about him. It takes him a while to warm up to new people."

"Or is it just me being Edward's ex-girlfriend?" I blurted his name before I could stop myself and it stunned Embry easily enough. "It's fine when I talk about it but when a complete stranger tries to make a joke about it then it's just wrong." I corrected his inner thoughts — completely aware he was probably questioning my sudden bravery.

"I get it," he nodded his head without taking his eyes off the road. "He was a total dick for it. Came off more like a backhanded compliment."

I shook my head but couldn't force myself to hide the smile forming across my face. "Yeah, he was. I'll get him for it later." I brushed away some of my hair that managed to cover my face from the wind. "What's his deal anyways? Besides the fact he has the worst bedside manner."

Embry laughed again but I watched as he rubbed the back of his neck now in an awkward manner. "He's — complicated too."

"Is this just a guy thing I should know about?"

"Not at all, I'm completely normal." Embry defended himself through bits of laughter. I smiled as well but shook my head as he continued. "He doesn't have the best history with girls — his mom died when he was just a kid and he has no relationship with his older sister. His last few girlfriends were awful and flew by within months."

I looked over at my friend and narrowed my eyes at him quietly before I cleared my throat. "And this is the part where you try to explain that his traumatized past is an excuse for being a douchebag?"

He clicked his tongue and glanced over at me quickly with a grin. "Such a mouth on you, Swan. I don't think I've ever seen you use such foul language before."

"I just hate when people use their own past as an excuse for being rude," I grumbled in my seat, crossing my arms firmly across my chest.

"Yeah, you're right. Then again," Embry whistled low and paused mid sentence. I looked at him and waited for him to continue until I followed his gaze out my side of the window where a group of boys were forcing someone to jump off a cliff.

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