forty seven

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━━ love and death. (2024)
edward cullen x fem!oc
chapter forty seven

I'm tired. Overly tired — exhausted between school, my family, and the supernatural world I have yet to get used to. I haven't had a decent sleep in days it felt like and if I do, it's only because a large event takes place and causes my body to eternally shut down for the night.

Edward and I came up with a mutual agreement awhile ago that although I enjoy spending most of my nights with him, I do prefer to be alone on other nights. I need time to dwell and rot in my own bed by myself without someone hovering over me. Even if it causes him great distress — although he's stated multiple times that he will purposely stand outside my window to make sure I'm okay throughout the night. That's either a bonus or a loss that comes with having a vampire boyfriend but you learn to live with it.

I drag my hand slowly down my face before locking the door to my house behind me. Tonight I was anticipating my bed and being alone for the first time this week. It was my night to stretch out in bed and enjoy the covers all to myself.

I took one step towards the stairs when Charlie came around the corner rubbing the sleep away from his eyes. I quickly noted the TV was on but muted in the background of the living room.

"Where's Beau?" I ask while placing my bookbag down on the bottom step of the stairs.

"Sleep, because it's late." Charlie yawns and leans against the doorframe. "Which brings me to say — Edward could at least respect meal times, you know?"

I smiled. "Actually, I was just with Kai — got to see Embry and Julie too."

"Oh." He visibly perked up with his chest rising. "Well, that's good. How are they?"

"They're good. Night dad, love you." I gave him a short wave before slowly dragging myself up the stairs to my bedroom. Each step I took I had to tell myself I was almost there and just a little further I could collapse into my bed after changing and brushing my teeth.

I swung my door open just a little too excitedly and nearly smacked Edward in the face completely. "Edward," I scolded him through gritted teeth. "It's my night, remember?" I purposely walk past him after shutting my door and fall face first into the bed.

"Do you understand how worried I've been?"

I huff into my thick comforter, eternally sobbing on the inside with frustration before I roll over and sit up straight to meet his angry glare. His eyes were extra dark tonight. Insinuating that he's been overly stressed and starved.

"I was perfectly safe." I drop my arms on my lap and stare up at him tiredly. "Believe it or not, being friends with a pack of wolves does come with good advantages."

He turns his head with his upper lip curled. "Aspen." My name came with a warning but I always secretly enjoyed getting under his skin — it kept our relationship exciting to say the least. I've always loved foreplay in romance.

"What?" I scolded back, purposely leaning back on my elbows to flex my body off to him. If he was going to be here for the night then I might as well get at least something out of it. "Can't we kiss and make up?"

He finally looked at me but his facial expression didn't change so I decided to accept my defeat with a long exaggerated sigh. I opened my mouth to speak as he took a step backwards and visibly glitched like we were in a game.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and watched the way he inhaled heavily — realization sunk in and I started to shrug off my jacket. If he was always going to act out every time I was around Kai or Embry or even Julie, we would need to have a serious conversation.

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