Spring Broken

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[The scene opens with Blitz singing a song, which he claims to be his "favorite", Loona seems upset but not that upset, Moxxie covers his ears and Millie is just enjoying the ride.]

"Is he like this all the time?" Octavia looked at Loona with a slightly amused look.

"Almost always."

They both laughed subtly.

[A car suddenly parks where Blitz was going to park and they almost crash, but Blitz stops in time].

—Oh! You suck for life, do ya!? 

—Listen up, you unoriginal pink cum dump! You have three goddam seconds to get your shit out of my parking spot! 

 [Blitz quickly realizes who it is]

 —Oh shit! Verosika.


"Wait, you know Verosika Mayday?" Octavia turned to look at the imp with some surprise.

 Blitz just shrugged and looked indifferent.

—I should have know you'd be here, I could smell fish for miles, which is odd because I believe the nearest ocean is...[Falls down] —Three rings down!

—And I should have known you'd be here when I heard the Amber Alert. 

—Oh, yeah? I'm surprised they let your fat ass outta rehab. I can see you're still a drunken whore, clutching onto that Beelze-juice bottle like it's the last cock in hell. 

—They let me out because I'm still famous, and rehab is for sad loser wash-ups. So, your sister says hi. 

"She beat you." Fizz smiled at the other imp.

Blitz only rolled his eyes in response.

[Blitz gets out of the car and asks Verosika why she parked in his parking spot, she tells him that her name is actually the one written on the ground. Verosika talks about a job and concludes that it will take her all week. Loona looks amazed].

—A week!? No, no, you are not parking here for a fucking week. 

—Oh, you mad, Blitzo? You gonna run off leaving some else pay for the hotel room, steal their car and three rings to wrath and max my credit card on shitty horse riding lessons?

—Goddamn it, whore, you will not let that go!

"Well... If it's true that you did all that, I think I can understand why she still resents you." Fizz observed.

"Me too." Moxxie agreed.

Blitz ignored them both.

—Choke on a sandpaper cock. 

[When Verosika passes by Loona she seems shy. But she looks even more impressed by the hellhound she sees walking by after the superstar].

—Hold on, you better move that pussy wagon right now or I'm gonna...!

[The hellhound (Vortex) invites Blitz to finish what he was going to say, looking threatening].

 —Or I'll, uh... I'll call HR!

[Everyone laughs, but recovers their posture in less than two seconds].

—Anyway, meet my new hellhound, Vortex; unlike you, he actually does his job well. 

[Verosika makes another insult and Blitz says he wasted a lot of time].

[Loona asks him if she knows Verosika and he says yes, they dated].

Reacting to Helluva Boss [English Version] (Stolitz) Where stories live. Discover now