Friend or Foe

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"Morning everyone! My name is Kishimoto Daisuke" an introduction caught everyone's attention in the class. Some were speculating that he's a delinquent send to this northern town to rehabilitate himself. Some argued that he's from the city, looking for a change of pace in the quieter side of Hokubu. Meanwhile, Mizuki is still perplexed as to why this guy that she saw, apparently a week ago at school, is only now transferring and in her class no less. Almost like, he's here for her. For better or for worse. While Daisuke is still telling the class about himself, Mizuki is too distracted by her own imagination as to his reason for coming here. Understandably she's very cautious of him considering the events of last week.

"-Well then Kishimoto san, you can choose among the empty seats. Our school don't have that many students so you'll find plenty" the teacher instructed him. before Mizuki realizes it, he already finished his introduction and is already making his move. He cuts through the crevices of occupied seats and is now heading in her direction.
Her brain fires up varying scenario as to what his next move is "what's he trying to do? What's his plan? Is he coming this way? Surely he's not gonna do anything outrageous in this situation! There's too many eyes here! He won't, he can't... right?!"
While her mental space is firing every emergency escape plan possible to her, he already passes by her seat. She stood breathless. Her head blanked. And then he picked a seat 3 tables across to her right. Too far to be able to pull anything, too far almost like he never knew her in the first place. He didn't even bat an eye on her. Just a normal transfer student picking an empty seat, and humoring other students' curiosity about him.

After a couple uneventful class sessions. Mizuki took opportunity of the recess to head to the washroom. 'In the end nothing happened... That was him last week right? He wasn't a student back then but he already had the uniform and was at school. What was he doing back then? And yet he act like he never seen me? Was that really an act? Am I the crazy one here? This all doesn't make sense...' the splash of water sweeping her face somewhat calms her head, "almost like it's all just a crazy dream..." She speak to herself. Luckily the stalls are empty so nobody would pay attention to her monologue. As she head out of the washroom, she catches sight of a figure passing by.

"Isn't that...?" Something arouse her curiosity. She follows the figure as it makes it way across the school building. "Kishimoto san! As I thought you're still suspicious... What are you trying to do?" She whispers to herself. She follows stealthily behind him, enough distance apart so as to not alert him. Tailing him brings her to several rooms and facility in the school. The rooftop lounge, a typical lunch spot for named characters in manga. The school infirmary, this is where various absurdities, and romantic scene happens in the literary works she'd read. The school garden, a staple of romcom where a green thumbed character develop a relationship with a flowery hearted student, or a delinquent with a supposedly unconventionally gentle interest in the flora. Yet none of this locations seems to be his final stop, which continues to perplex Mizuki 'where exactly is he trying to go?' she frustrates herself coming up with an idea to his random choice of destination.

Just as she's busy with her own thought, the person in question turns behind him, suspecting he's not alone. Mizuki quickly pulls herself back behind a corner to escape his field of vision. He's looking up the stairs to where Mizuki is supposedly hiding but didn't let out any reaction.
''H-he didn't saw me right..?'
After an awkward pause, she heard his footstep continues down the stairs and resume pursuit.

'Where. Exactly. Is he. Going??' after a few more times following him to various locations in the school, Mizuki had grown vexed guessing his plan. Until they reaches the cafeteria and Daisuke finally slows down and expresses his delight in having found the place. He seems like he's glowing with excitement to be able to reach the cafeteria.
"All this time he was just lost looking for the cafeteria...?"
Until a bell rings and cut Daisuke's celebration short, announcing the end of recess. The time supposedly allocated for lunch they both spent walking around school and getting lost.

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