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"Mmnnnnn!!!" Mizuki grunts. She's focusing hard on keeping her shape together. Having practiced everyday after school in this hangout spot under Daisuke's supervision, she manages to keep her SP form together without leaking out.

"Okay! That's enough!" Daisuke informs Mizuki.

"Pwaaahhh!! Ahaha finally I did it~!!!" Mizuki celebrates her completing the training.

"You did a good job finishing your Reitai, although it's a bit too basic... But you still haven't figured out how to transform on your own."

"Mou don't be a buzz kill.. you can just help me through the transform process every time and I can take it from there" she says with her hands clenched in high spirit.

"No can't do, you need to be able to get there on your own, next we train your transformation! Alright, here we go!"

W-wait Wait-! haaaah I'm poofed..." Mizuki falls to her knees like she had just finished a long day's chore.

"You now... this is just the-"

Before Daisuke could start nagging her, they both overhear a commotion not too far from where they are training. Peeking from the distance, they both see a boy and a girl meeting beside the open field in front of the building, a confession, one that's proclaimed a bit too loud that it caught the attention of others in the vicinity, even some other students in the middle of club activities.

Looking into the distance, Daisuke notices a beautiful girl, a classmate of theirs that has become quite the subject of admiration. Even now as she's gracefully rejecting yet another confession, she still inspires awe from the other female students due to her elegance.

"How lucky, I wonder if I can make my high school debut like Takayama san too..." Mizuki comments, seeing the same sight.

"Hou? She wasn't popular before?" Daisuke's interest piqued.

"Eh? You heard that too?!" Mizuki flustered but then clears her throat, regaining her cool "Ehem! I don't remember much but, she wasn't really popular last year, not to the point that people would mention her with the school idol, Yamanaka san, anyway. Takayama Kirei san last year has always been just... there." Changing the topic, Mizuki redirects the focus of the conversation
"A-anyway, forget what you just heard. Let's continue my training! Training!"

Daisuke has a devious smile briefly before announcing
"Well forming the Reitai is achievement enough for today, and since you're already in that form, let's see you maintain it, follow me" he instructs.

"Eh- heehh?? Looking like this?!" She's understandably hesitant.

"Relax, you're invisible to everyone else"
"Even so-! Ughh this feels very inappropriate..."
She sheepishly follows him out of school, feeling very exposed and naked despite not having any human feature other than her vague humanoid shape and a pair of eyes.

As they walk far enough and stands on a high ground in the hill behind school, Daisuke points out to the street in the residential area.
"Over there, what do you see?"
"Hmm that's just the route I usually take back home..."
Clueless to his real motive she just entertains his following questions after that with whatever she could describe of them. Sometimes he would point to an empty street, sometimes a middle aged woman, sometimes to a particular tree. Until he finally points at something that piqued her interest.
"Ah! Takayama san! So she take this way home. Does she take the train to school- wait we came all this way just to stalk her?!"
"Haha no no of course not, just observe her"
"Mou what are you doing? Stalking another girl in front of a girl!"
She is a bit irritated but complies anyway.
"She's just walking normally I guess.. what am I supposed to observe here?"

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