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"What was that?!" Mizuki alarmed by the shriek of a girl coming from the main school building.
"As I would expect... this is a ghost case. Actually, good timing!"
He turns to Mizuki with an excited grin.
"You're not perfect yet but at least you have limbs now, it's time to put them into practice. Keep up with me, This is your first mission"
"Eehhh??!" Mizuki who's now just a vague humanoid shape with stump for legs, arms and head, doubts she can even move much less matches his speed.
"Wait a minut-! You've got to be kidding meeeeee!!!"
She exclaims as Daisuke pulled her stumped hand with him. Whether or not she likes it, she has to move her legs to match his speed.

"W-what if the ghost come after me?!!"
"That's part of the challenge, don't get caught!"
"You're being unreasonable!!!"
"Here take this in case that happen"
Mizuki catch the item Daisuke threw at her with both her stumped arm
"An umbrella?!"
"Don't underestimate that now, I've enhanced it's strength! It can't serve as weapon but you can guard yourself behind it. Well even if anything happen to you it won't harm your physical body so it's a good learning experience"
"Huh... so that's how it is..." Mizuki nods quietly, that statement made her ponder some few things while they're running.
"Still, do not engage the enemy. You just need to train your new body" Daisuke warns her, seeing that Mizuki briefly loses focus after what he just said. Hopefully no crazy ideas cross her head from that bits of information.

Before they enter the school building, Daisuke throws something that stuck itself onto the wall of the building then weaves some kind of sign with one hand. The item, a black sticky blob that sticks on the wall surface starts to throb. At first, evenly and rhythmically but then dramatically intensifies.
"*Tch* This is heavier than I expected..." He mutters to himself after a slight distress upon activating the item he'd set up earlier.

At the fourth floor, the ghost had possessed a young girl's body. A crowd gathered around her as she writhes on the floor, crying out in pain. Two male student with a large build is holding her down while her hand claws at them and everything nearby, even herself. Her eyes bulging from her eye socket like they're about to roll out of it, her mouth agape like she's gasping for air but at the same releasing a deafening screech. As the other female students and a teacher calls out her name, at some point she breaks free from both of the heavy guy and lunges straight at another student in the crowd.

But before she could feel anything at the other end of her claw, she finds herself trapped in a dark room. The large crowd surrounding her earlier had all gone, just an empty hallway. Not for long, just arriving on the other end of the hallway is Daisuke and, apparently Mizuki, who is just a white humanoid shape with barely any facial feature.

"Alright, the kyokan worked, let's go Mizuki kun! You can use that to block her exit"
"Uh uh, okay..?" She complies hesitantly as she's still figuring out how to open the umbrella. While she's still struggling with the contraption, Daisuke disappears into the row of classrooms on the side. Leaving Mizuki alone on the hallway with the possessed girl locking it's sight on her.
"Umm, Kishimoto san? Where did you go?" Mizuki asks out loud anxiously. The ghost having no other targets aside from Mizuki in front of her dashes straight towards her aggressively.

Outside of the dark space as the other humans see it, the girl is just running angrily towards the wall at the end of the hallway. They can't see Mizuki or Daisuke. She stopped on her track earlier giving opportunity for the student of her target just now to evade her sudden attack. But now, having her running free like that with no specific target raises concern of the crowd as well. The female teachers worrying that she might hurt herself or fall off the building instructed the two big boys from earlier chases after the girl.

On the inside, as she passes the halfway point of the corridor, Daisuke ambushes from her right, elbowing her head and smashing her into the window on the left. Breaking both the wall and window.
"Good! It's still in the early stage" Daisuke responds in relief after crashing the girl's head into the wall.
"W-wait a minute Kishimoto san!?" Mizuki understandably shocked at his action.
"Don't worry, look" Daisuke points to a floating line, a thread seemingly made of tiny needles of light, millions of them, an SP link. It comes out the girl's back and traces back to a ball of light at the center of the corridor. A couple meters from the body, levitating just a few centimetres above ground.

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