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"That stupid head is trying to close off our exit" Daisuke points out before pulling Mizuki to run the other direction.

As they're making their way across the corridor, the okubi is chasing them outside the window. Inside the building, the teacher and the animals are still relentlessly giving chase.

"Just tell me what you did for today so I can find the trigger for the curse" he instruct her as they're running.

"trigger? What are you talking about?" Mizuki responds confused.

"Like did the story specify some stuff you shouldn't do to activate the curse or how to avoid it haunting you? Anything" Daisuke explains.

"I don't know! The only thing I'm avoiding now is losing my head!"

"Fret not, both you and your head are mine alone, I won't let anyone else take them away"

"Can you cut that out already!" tired from running and tired of his pickup line, she just want to run away from everything now.

They escaped into an empty class to get away from the hallway window.

"Just recall what you did for today, since the curse only actually awakens today"

Now that they're finally not running anymore she can catch her breath
"*pant* *pant* what I did... *pant* for today...?"

Seeing as they seek shelter in the classroom on the other side of the building, the okubi tries to reach deeper from the outside window but it couldn't reach far enough inside. It looked around at first before flying off somewhere else.

For a while, the situation in the hallway and the classroom they're hiding in is quiet without any animal or footstep noise.

".- and that's pretty much what happened after that..." Mizuki finished explaining everything that she'd done for the day up till the point she reunite with Daisuke.

"I see... somewhere in there must be the actual trigger that activates the curse" a serious expression on his face for once, thinking hard and determining what the trigger of the curse could be.

"Wait Mizuki kun, did you always have that mark? Or could it be a scar?" Daisuke points under her chin, on her neck that is now exposed. All that running around displaces her scarf. On the skin of her neck, a line of scar that look too straight to be an accident. Almost like a precise cut using a thin wire.

"Eh what are you talking about? I never have scars on my neck" a genuine yet concerned look on her face as he address that.

"Wai- on your neck Daisuke kun! Something just lights up!"
As he's thinking about that, suddenly the same line appears on his neck, although his is shorter and less perfect. Like an earlier version of Mizuki's scar.

"I guess that's the mark of the curse. I have been afflicted too" he rub that part of his neck.

"Ehh?! Then... does that mean both of us are done for?? What should we do?" Mizuki panics.

In that moment too, a haunting growl came from their back, the classroom window. The giant head peeking at them inside the class, ready to reach its tongue inside to grab them.

Daisuke swiftly pulls Mizuki's arm and take her out of the class right before the tongue can get her.

"Waaaahhh!! The okubi can even get us here!? And this time even you too have the curse! We have nowhere else to run!"

"No. Actually that save us some trouble. Heh... This way, Mizuki kun!" his statement puzzles her. Then they both head to the stairway at the end of the hallway.

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