Beginning Anew

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Kenna Hatfield stepped out of the Killeen, Texas airport and onto the loading and unloading area, surveying the much smaller than expected surroundings for her brother's SUV until she felt arms coming around her shoulders from behind. Momentarily startled, she tensed, then relaxed as she saw thin, weaved bracelets along the person's wrists and recalled their woody scent with a smirk. She spun around and found her brother brimming with enthusiasm before pulling her back into a much needed hug on both sides of the coin. Kenna hadn't seen Neil in person for a little over two years, confining their conversations over video and actual phone calls wherein she was introduced to his growing family whom she would soon meet in person, also for the first instance.

Having been separated from her best friend by what felt like an entire world, she chuckled as they both embraced with equaling excitement, though her brother did begin to jump around a bit. He pulled back and regarded her, sending her into a fit of tucking her hair behind her ears and making sure her trademark beanie was secure. Neil ignored this and put his hand on her head, rubbing it there long enough to dislodge her cap so that it hung off of the side of her head. Shaking her head at his habitual gesture, she glanced him up and down as well and pulled him into another warming hug.

The only people able to bring out this more uninhibited side of herself were Neil and their parents, though she did aspire to possibly change that in her time in West Texas. More precisely, in the place wherein she'd be hanging her hat, so to speak. San Saba. Kenna had yet to see the place other than the pictures and videos her brother sent her, but now that was all changing. Now, Kenna was really here and she would properly make a go at life, taking the reins of hers and directing it toward her ultimate goal of salvation.

She needed this so very much.

Neil pulled back and glanced along her sides at her discarded luggage below, then peered back up at her with confusion. "Is this really all you brought, Kenny?"

Happy to hear the endearing name from the source itself, Kenna grinned from ear to ear and slung her trash bag filled with her many pairs of coveralls and work boots over her shoulder as Neil bent at the waist, grabbing her duffel. "Afraid so, bud. Where's Troy?"

"He's in the Yukon with the kids." Neil wiggled his head and shrugged his shoulders several times before putting the strap of her one actual suitcase over his shoulder. He gestured ahead and she walked beside him toward an SUV parked in the lot across the loading road. Carefully maneuvering their way across as soon as it cleared of enough people and vehicles, most of which Kenna noted were four wheel drive, they crossed toward the lot. She peeked over her shoulder at the loading and unloading zone, nibbling on her bottom lip as she thought of the life she'd just left behind as she spotted many passersby going about their affairs without a care in the world. As outwardly excited as she may have come across, Kenna knew it would be some time before she could share that same enthusiasm in full, but damn, did she desire it now more than ever. She turned her head back toward the SUV they approached and saw four small hands waving out of the passenger's side back window with one large hand doing the same out of the front. "There they are. Ready to finally see the family in person?"

"Like you wouldn't believe, man."

Kenna allowed her brother to take her trash bag off of her back and slung both it and her duffel into the trunk before the cab door to her right opened. "Howdy, Aunt Kenna!" Jordan leaned out of the GMC with a giant grin, hanging on the door as she held out her arm for her. Kenna hurriedly grasped the kid and pulled her into a giant hug that left her in a fit of giggles. "Nice to officially meetcha!"

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