Separate, But Coming Together

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"Are you sure it will be enough space for her to do her carpentry and glasswork?" Jan inquired as she sat down on Neil's sofa and smiled as one of the kids ran back waving his arms overhead as if he was being chased by bugs.

Jordan came running out of her room behind Nehemiah and fussed, "That's not funny, Nene! Go back in there and catch it!"

"No running in the house." Troy calmly said as he trailed after them with a sigh of exasperation. He plopped down on Neil's other side and grumbled under his breath as he tucked himself into his chest. "God... I can't wait for the honeymoon." Both Neil and Jan snickered at this and a crash came from another room followed by the children bickering. Troy groaned into Neil's chest and Jan spotted the softness in Neil's gaze as he looked down at his fiance. She hadn't ever seen that look on his face before and felt a smirk making its new home along her face. "I'm so tired, babe."

"I know, pancake." Neil immediately blushed as he visibly recalled they weren't alone, peeking up at Jan. "Don't tell Kenny I just called him that. She'll never let me hear the end of it."

"Cross my heart." Jan chuckled as she took Troy's hand and gave it a couple shakes. "Stay here. I'll go check and see if they broke anything. In the meantime, Neil, keep thinkin' of what we can do with the space for Kenny. I really want her to have a proper work station."

"Sure thing, Jan. And thanks."

After giving Troy's hand a few squeezes, she let it go and rose to her feet. Journeying toward the sound of the crash, Jan found the children bickering over who'd broken a small vase that was shattered on the floor. She made her trek back to the kitchen area and grabbed a broom before heading back over. "Don't touch the glass, kids."

"Auntie Jan, it was him! He threw a frog into my room!" Jordan practically squealed as she stared daggers at Nehemiah who was still snickering.

"Don't be so scared of 'em, then!"

"That's enough now, Nehemiah. You shouldn't tease your sister. One day she might get revenge." Jan worked to clean up the glass as the kids sat down at the round table nearby. "Hey, kids, I have a question for you." She glanced up at them as she brushed some of the glass into the dustpan and found curiosity sent her way. "I'm thinkin' of making a workshop for Kenny in my barn and wanted to know what you think might work for decorations."

"Kenny likes frogs." Nehemiah continued to tease his sister, but she ignored him as she crossed her arms and turned up her nose.

"She likes pigs. A lot."

"That she does, but has she ever mentioned to y'all if she might like a specific work table?" Jan stood with the dustpan and walked its contents over to the trash can. "Also, was this an expensive vase?"

"Nah, daddy won it at the Pecan Street Dance two years ago. He hasn't ever used it." Jordan answered as she tried to stomp on her brother's foot under the table.

He winced and brought it up onto the chair with a grumble. "Auntie Jan, she just stomped on my foot!"

"Like I said, Nehemiah, you need to be careful not to push your little sister too far. And Jordan?"


"No stomping on your brother's foot."

"Wow, you're a natural." Jan heard from behind herself and peeked back to find Troy and Neil walking into the kitchen. "You sure you and Kenny don't want kids someday?"

"We could have cousins?" Nehemiah excitedly asked as he bounced on his knees in his chair. "Can you give us cousins, Auntie Jan?"

"Uh... I-I..." Jan felt as if her face may burn off, it was so hot, and Troy chuckled as he pulled some salad fixings from the refrigerator.

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