Pecan Capital of the World!!: Part One

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Kenna carried the last of Janet's bedroom suit into her new room within the reno-house and settled it down beside her bed, easing it back until it hit the wall. She listened to Janet humming from inside of the bathroom as she got all of her toiletries into their rightful place and followed by a giggle that always set her heart on fire with hunger. Tonight would be their night and they spent all day together, getting the house decorated with the sparse furnishings Janet had in her old trailer home, which she was considering renting out to anyone who might need a cheap place to hang their hat.

Although, that particular decision had led to an odd comment from Janet earlier that Kenna was still deciphering in her mind. The first person Kenna thought of in need of a place to stay was Mikala. She'd informed her of it several days ago and when Kenna brought it up to Janet that morning, she'd grown unusually stiff. She'd even gone as far as to tell Kenna she really needed to look at Mikala, whatever that meant. Still lost at what the hell it even meant and stuck in her inner pondering, Kenna didn't realize the giggling was carrying toward her until it breached into the master bedroom.

She turned around and found Janet walking inside with two of Poppy's three kits hopping around her as their mother mosied into the room behind them. Janet threw her head back as Poppy took one look around the room, then turned away with a huff and trudged her way back through the hallway toward the upstairs guest room. Apparently, it was already claimed and Kenna released a defeated sigh.

"Sorry, hun, but I think you may end up on the first floor." Janet explained after walking over to her and kissing her cheek.

Kenna felt hers glow and she was only reminded more about Janet's previous comments about Mikala. "Jan?" She asked as she took some of her clothes from the hope chest at the end of her bed into her hands and walked over to her built-in cubbies along the far wall. She hummed in reply as she began setting her folded clothes there, then peeked over her shoulder when Kenna didn't add anything else. Shaking her mind from its place in the clouds as she wrenched her gaze back up toward her face with a flush, she took a few paces closer. "What you said this morning, what did you mean by it?"

Janet's eyebrows hit her hairline as she ran her eyes over her face, scrunching her nose. "You mean about Mikala?" Kenna sat down on her hope chest and nodded as she pat the place beside her. After walking over and sitting down next to her with a lofty sigh, Janet crossed her legs in front of herself and eased back on her hands. "Kenna, have you always noticed when others hint that they you?"

Furrowing her brow as she felt her face bunch up now, Kenna shook her head. "I don't even know what you mean. Like as in friendly?"

"No, I mean as in they feel attracted to you."

Kenna peered up at the ceiling and tapped her foot along the floor as she mulled it over for a moment, then glanced back over at her. "No, I'm not so great at picking up on that. I'm so used to people not really liking me and romantic stuff was the last thing on my mind before I met you. Why?"

Sending her a fond grin as she reached over and cupped her cheek, Janet finally explained, "Mikala looks at you the way you look at me."

"Wh-What...?" Kenna felt her eyes bulge and Janet threw her head back again, laughing long and loudly. "Hey, what's so funny?"

"Nothing, I just love how innocent you can be. It's," Janet paused and straightened her head, gazing up and down her length. "Refreshing. Still, I'm surprised you never noticed. Mikala definitely likes you and even Neil noticed."

Kenna racked her mind as she thought of her exchanges with Mikala, recalling how much she touched her and the odd blush she always bore. Feeling her jaw hit the floor, she face palmed and Janet wrapped her arm around her shoulders with a chuckle. She peeked over at her through the slits between her fingers and found utter relaxation in her features, pulling her hands down.

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