Struck with Astonishment

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Kenna opened her eyes to the sunlight strewn through the open shutter doors of the barn hay loft and as her gaze ran into the person swamping her dreams, she brightly smiled from ear to ear. Images of all that transpired the night prior ran rampant in her mind and she realized Jan's back was facing her. She was still deep in her slumber and Kenna propped herself up on her elbow as she wiped the sleep from her eyes,wanting to get a clearer view of the woman who took her by such loving force. Janet slept without a care in the world with Kenna's hand tucked between her still bare breasts, both still laying on the giant sofa the latter bought with her own money.

In the past, Kenna hadn't a single person outside of her family to spoil, yet now she had another. Not only that, but that very individual was nearly all that filled her mind as she mentally recalled their first date. Although it was threatened with ending in a way Kenna didn't invite, it hadn't. Instead, their date culminated with the most passionate night she'd ever experienced and the promise of more set her skin alive. Every inch of it pressed to Janet's backside.

Kenna lifted the blanket around them and peeked down at the scrumptious view below, hearing a soft, lethargic giggle answering her. With a giddy plod in her chest, she lowered the blanket once more and kissed along Janet's exposed back, rubbing her lips between her shoulder blades up to the nape of her neck. This elicited another of those delightful, dulcet hums she released last night as Kenna's phone alarm began singing The National toward them from the ottoman in front of the couch.

I am good, I am grounded, Davy says that I look taller, I keep feeling smaller and smaller, I need my girl... The words never fit better than ever and Kenna let them and the sensation of Janet's shivers serenade her into a plain she hadn't known existed until that very moment. So many emotions swelled within herself and she felt she may burst if she didn't see her glimmering features. Carefully moving so as not to tip them both off of the furniture, Kenna maneuvered herself so that she partially lay on Janet's legs with one of her own draped around them. She loved this sensation, being wrapped around her as much as possible, and she watched as Janet's lips curved up into a lazy grin.

"Good mornin', Kenny." There was that West Texan accent she adored and Kenna chuckled as she finally opened her eyes and met hers. Janet glowed up at her and she knew her expression mirrored hers. Janet rolled over onto her back as she kept Kenna's hand and brought it up to her face, rubbing her cheek in its palm. "Did you sleep well?"

"Uh-huh..." Kenna felt in a sense of awe as their eyes met and she saw the morning light reflected in Janet's. She gingerly ran the fingers of her hand on her face along her cheek and felt the arching of her brow as she glanced over her features. "Better than ever. And you?"

Janet wrapped her arms around her shoulders and pulled her more firmly on top of her, rubbing their noses together. "Better than ever..."

"Spend the day with me?" Kenna's thoughts erupted before her mind had a chance to catch up and she felt her face heat as Janet's eyes widened.

"Like you even need to ask." Janet pulled her in closely and kissed all along her face, stirring something deep within her.

Kenna hadn't even realized it, but she was running one of her hands along Janet's curvy, soft hip and she let her other roam the lovely mounds along her upper chest. "What do you want to do, pretty cowgirl?" Kenna kissed along her throat and grinned when Janet moaned into the bridge of her head. "What do you want to do? More of this...?"

Janet shivered and latched onto her cheeks, pulling her up to her face. "Come here and--" Kenna's phone ceased singing her morning playlist toward them and began actually ringing, prompting them both to sigh, though as she dropped her face to Janet's cleavage she heard her giggling. "You better answer that, muffin."

CountryCore Series: Fixer Upper (WLW)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora