9 ~ Concern

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"I think she fled away with the money", Aniket stated.

"Shut up. Think before you speak", I argued in a loud voice.

"You need to think Vivaan. You don't even know her. She must be lying about her grandmother's illness".

"She is not that kind of girl, I know her".

"Then find her", he said and kept his palm on the table in order to stand up from the chair.

"Find her and find out if I am right or your heart is", he said and left from my cabin.

I fisted my hands together tightly.

My life was so messed up right now.

Two weeks had passed but there was no sign of her. She had taken leave for just a week. What would have happened. Why is she not coming to the office?

Is she even fine?

I'm not able to bear this pain in my heart more. I cannot let her go away from me.

And on the other hand, the drama going on my house was on another level. Dad wasn't listening me now. He was hell bent on to find a girl for me.

That is the reason, I try to stay  as much as possible away from home these days. Day before yesterday, Kanika's dad came to my dad with a marriage proposal.

Dad and mom even liked her, I don't know why? What they found in her?

Her dad was as rich as mine. Maybe that was the reason dad was interested in this marriage deal~

I need to think something now.

An idea hit my mind and I immediately dialled Amit's number.

"Amit, I need the address of Miss Aisha Gupta, my PA".

"I'll message you within a minute sir".

The call got disconnected.

I opened his chat and was eagerly waiting for the message.

After a minute, a message popped on my screen.

Finally, I got her address.

I stood up from my place, collected my things and left for her house immediately.

Cold winds were blowing outside today. I was just praying that may everything turn out to be fine there.

I reached the exact place and asked from one of the vendors there, about the house's name.

He pointed his finger towards the house just in front of my car. I thanked him and moved towards her home.

I got out from the car and stood at the entrance of her house.
It looked like an old house.

I knocked on the door twice but no one opened the door. My heart beat was racing fastly. I knocked on the door two times more but again no one responded.

The fifth time I banged my hands on the door out of anxiety. I heard the footsteps approaching towards the door.

The door opened with a creak sound and she was standing on the other side of the door.
She moved her gazes up to look at me.
Her eyes widened after she understood that it was me.

"Sir.. you", she muttered in a low voice.

"Can I come in?", I asked slowly.

She nodded her head and showed me the way inside.

The house was old yet clean and well maintained. She took me inside the hall and signalled me to sit on the sofa.

I sat down comfortably on it and she sat on the chair in front of me.
She was silent. Her eyes were low.
The place below her eyes were dark.
She didn't had dark circles earlier.

Aisha - The Story Of Lost Love Where stories live. Discover now