Part 2

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Jana: I don't know.

Y/n: Jana, please, just tell me, did something happened when I was in England?

Jana: If something happened, I'm not the one who should tell you, Bruna is.

You talk for a while with Jana, until the end of the training session. Then you show up to everyone.

Mapi: Y/N!

Sandra: You're back!

Lucy goes jumping on your back. Due to your crutches, you fall down. Everyone is laughing and so happy to see you back, but Bruna is missing. She didn't see you and keep talking to Camila.

Alexia: When are you back on the pitch with us?

Y/n: Hopefully, next week.

The noise lands on Bruna's attention. She turns around and see you with everyone. A smile appears on her face. Bruna joins the team while Camila goes on her way.

Bruna: What are you doing here? I though you wanted to stay in England for a couple days more?

Y/n: I wanted to surprise you.

She hugs you and kisses you. Skip to a few hours. You're back at home. You haven't talk to Bruna about her situation ship with Camila.

Y/n: Babe?

Bruna: Yeah?

Y/n: Who's the girl you were talking to earlier?

Bruna: Cami? She's a friend, why that question?

Y/n: Did something happen between you two?

Bruna takes a deep breath, but avoids your gaze. She doesn't answer the question, giving you a proper answer.

Y/n: Got my answer.

Bruna: I swear it only happened once, we only kissed once, but that's it. You have to believe me.

Y/n: I believe you.

Bruna: You do?

Y/n: I do, I believe you. If you're telling it only happened once, than it happened once.

Then, you hear your phone ringing. You get a text from Jonathan, your coach.

Jonathan: Hola Y/n, will you be up for a meeting tomorrow morning? Have a nice evening.

The next morning, you get to the training center with Bruna, you head to Jonathan's office before the changing room. You knock at his office's door.

Jonathan: Come in!

Y/n: Hi, you asked for a meeting?

Jonathan: Shut the door, there's something I need to talk to you about.

Y/n: Is everything okay?

Jonathan: It's been 2 years that you're a Barcelona player. Your performances this season has been unbelievable. And we have been ask by many other clubs about your profile. We received offers.

Y/n: What kind of offers?

Jonathan: 3 offers, Man United, Arsenal and Aston Villa. You should take time to think about it, it could be a big opportunity for you to show up to the world.

You're quite in shock. You need to call your dad.

David: Hey sweetheart, you okay?

Y/n: Yeah, I'm okay. I have a news for you.

David: What's going on?

Y/n: I might leave Barcelona.

David: What do you mean?

Y/n: Jonathan received transfer offers for me.

David: To go where?

Y/n: Man United, Arsenal or Aston Villa.

David: It could be a great opportunity for you to move out. What does Bruna think about it?

Y/n: She doesn't know yet. And I don't think I'm gonna tell her.

David: Sweetheart, she's your girlfriend, don't you think you should?

Y/n: I'll think about it.

Season 1: Leah WilliamsonDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora