Part 67

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Then, a hand land on your shoulder, it's Jonas'. He pulls you in his arms to comfort you.

Y/n: Thank you, girls. I really appreciate the support.

Jonas: This is a team, this is a family you're part of. I'm speaking of the name of the team when I'm saying that we have your back all the way through, Y/n.

Y/n: Thank you so much.

You go back sitting next to Leah and Beth. Katie gives a hug from behind and a kiss on the cheek as a support move, while Leah places her hand on you thigh and rubs it with her thumb. Jonas steps in front of everyone to explain what's the plan for the Champion's League match.

Jonas: Okay, girls, it's gonna hard to be next on that... Alright, next match is a big one. Lyon will play physically in the midfield and in defence, but they will play with the speed on the sides. And they think that by doing that strategy, we're gonna lose our heads. But we won't, we won't lose our heads. This group, this team that you are, have the quality to prove the world Lyon is wrong to think that. So, we have to be focus at a 100%. It's simple, this match starts now, in the heads. Every minute that you'll spend in the gym, on the training pitches will be a percent of chance to win this match.... So let's go, girls. Togetherness till the end...

The focus mode is on. Everyone heads to the training pitch. Your come back on the pitch goes really well. You're incredible at practice, once again like you never left.

Beth: How do you feel about your comeback?

Y/n: Honestly?

Viv: Yeah...

Y/n: I feel like it's a waste of time of being here, I'd rather want to be with my mom, right now... Luckily, Jana is here.

Steph: Jana? Jana Fernandez?

Y/n: Yeah, she came to surprise me at home, yesterday.

Beth: That's awesome. How is she doing?

Y/n: She's doing okay. Some trouble with Jill, but she'll be fine.

Viv: Did Brooklyn showed up to your mom at the hospital?

Y/n: Yeah, and... I just learned that... I'm gonna be an aunt.

Beth: What?

Y/n: My sister-in-law, Nicola, she's pregnant of a little girl.

Leah: Babe, you didn't tell me.

Y/n: I forgot to tell you, with Jana and everything. I forgot, babe, I'm sorry.

Steph: Congrats, girls.

Viv: Really happy for you, aunties.

Y/n: Thanks, girls. Let's go to eat, now.

You all head to the cafeteria, get some food and eat with the girls. Hours pass, Leah drives you back to the house. When you pass the front door, you find your house upside down, with Jana having a really good moment with the twins.

Y/n: What happened here?

Jana: Hey, sorry, we've got a little carried away.

Leah: Yeah, we can clearly see that.

Leah laughs a little, starting cleaning a bit. You go catch the two little monsters.

Y/n: Okay, you two, let's go take a bath.

You head upstairs, while Leah is helping Jana to clean the mess up made during the day.

Jana: I've never told you, but... I would wish for someone else than you to be Y/n's partner in life.

Season 1: Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now