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For those of you who have been wondering this is Brayden. I didn't make him a character board just because he's only in the college chapters leading up to a certain point.

*Nolan's POV*

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*Nolan's POV*

You know, I'm learning that when my door just randomly flies open, it's never a good thing.

Austin, Josh, and Luke just scared the absolute shit out of Fred and Nick as they bust through my door.

"I hate to do this to you Freddy boy, putting you out of your room, but we need a minute with Nolan." Austin clapped his hands together.

I put down my Calc book and rolled my eyes. "Dear god."

"It's uh, alright?" Fred shook his head, jumped out of his bed, and simply walked out.

Nick, he just stayed in my computer chair and pursed his lips.

"You got it?" Luke looked at him.

And tell me why this son of a bitch just pulled my phone out of his pocket and handed it to Luke.

"Alright, what the hell is this?" I sighed and crossed my arms.

"This is your intervention." Josh nodded. "I'm going to ask you something, and I want you to be honest, k?"
  "I suppose." I rolled my eyes.

"Who'd you have in here last night?" He raised his eyebrows.

I pursed my lips and shook my head.

"Nolan." Austin crossed his arms. "We know who was in here last night. We already know you're boning a new girl 3 weeks out of every month."

Luke cleared his throat. "Last month, it was Molly, Kennedy, and Raven. This month, it has been Hayden, Lauren, and you're making plans this week to see Sandra." He nodded.

I sighed. "And your point?"

"Our point, is what do all of those girls have in common?" Nick kicked back and raised his eyebrows.

"What the hell are you 4 getting at?"

"We're getting at one very specific person." He nodded. "And that very specific person, is why you spend one week every month being celibate until we go back to Shadow Falls, because you won't do anything with a girl the week before you know you're going to see her."

"Now what do the girls I sleep with have to do with Kaylin?" I rolled my eyes.

"Because they're all tattooed, blue eyed, curly headed lovely ladies, who you won't get serious with because you're scared, and that includes Kaylin."

"Ok, why in the hell are you guys cornering me about my sex life?" I shook my head.

"Because Kaylin has only slept with 2 other people since she's been back in Philadelphia, and it's Brayden, Maverick when he visits, and you the handful of times you've gone down, she's not fucking a new dude every week that looks like you." Josh shook his head. "Nol, we love you, so much, but you are not moving on as much as you think you are. Every single girl you've brought back here has been the spitting image of the girl who got away, and it's not healthy."

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