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*Kaylin's POV*

I'm freaking the fuck out.

I have no clue why I'm freaking the fuck out.

But I'm freaking the fuck out to the point where Brayden and Axel are laying in my bed on this gorgeous Saturday night, Mads is sitting in my laundry basket with them dragging him around my bed, and I have no clue what I'm going to wear on this god damn date that I'm about to go on.

"Casual and cute." I sighed. "There's so many versions of casual and cute. There's like, dinner casual, sports casual, midnight stroll casual, comfy casual. What the fuck kind of instruction is cute and casual?"

Axel pursed his lips and looked at Brayden. "Hmm?"

"I don't know. I just thought casual was, well, casual?" Brayden scrunched his face.

"You two are no help at all." I shook my head.

"Look." Brayden sat up. "Whatever you wear you're going to look amazing. Make up is pristine, hair on point, chi-chi's looking nice, Troy is a lucky dude and he's going to be in awe no matter what you put on your body. So since you can't decide, what if Ax and I go through your closet, pick something we think would look good, and you go with that."

"Yes." I pointed at him. "Lets do that. But make sure my best asset is popped." I grabbed my chest.

They both raised their eyebrows. "You think your boobs are your best asset?"

"Aren't they?" I scrunched my face.

They shook their heads and Brayden looked me up and down then shifted to the side. "Ass is assing." He nodded.

"Double cheeked up 24/7." Axel nodded.

"You're telling me I paid over 3 grand for these things, and my ass is still better?" I crossed my arms.

"Yup." They jumped off my bed and walked in to my closet.

I sighed and plopped down, pulling Maddox out of the basket and laying him on my belly. "I think I'm in way over my head here bud." I rubbed his back.

He crawled up and just licked my face.

Dudes been hanging out with Barney way to much when he goes to Grandma and Grandpas.

10 minutes later, these boys came out with the simplest outfit.

"Now what the fuck is that?" I shook my head.

"We thought about it, and most of the time, when a guy says cute and casual, they mean something you would generally wear out to do your day to day things, while still looking like you have a home. And what says Kaylin Wilson more than shredded skinny's, a tight black v-neck, and a little bit of that leather edge. Pair it with your signature knee highs and that red lip you do, baby, you're on." Axel nodded.

I rolled my eyes and just got dressed.

"Uh, Kay." Brayden picked my phone up off my desk just as I put my jacket on.

"Hmm?" I raised my eyebrows.

"It's Nolan." He handed it to me.

And I swear, I just stared at my phone.

"You need to talk to him." Axel nodded. "You want us to stay or go?"

"Stay." I nodded. "Just, be quiet."

I answered and put it on speaker phone.

K; Hello?

N; I'm sorry.

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