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*Troy's POV*

"I think this is going to be a fun way to end things for the week." Coach Jeffries smiled as he joined Lachlin, Sam, Q and I on the ice.

It's Friday, we have been to the Drexel Rink every day to work through things with the team, and pat on the back for me having some form of fucking will-power and not asking Kaylin every time I've seen her if she's thought about letting me take her on a date.

Don't get me wrong, I can absolutely take rejection. It comes with the territory of having the career I do. Some females don't like a man in the spot light watching their every move. And that's fine. But it doesn't happen often. But THIS ONE, is absolutely killing me.

I don't know what it is about this girl but I feel like I'm driving myself insane trying to figure her out.

"I agree." Axel looked around the ice. "This is kind of impressive."

"Fact." Brayden laughed.

"Plus, a little incentive will push you guys harder." Sam looked at all the grade captain.

"And this incentive?" Ryan smiled.

"Well, we've all decided that Troy, is going to get in the goal tonight." Lachlin nodded.

"And, since I'm 25." I looked at all of them. "If the 3 of you, can score 2 points combined, after going through the whole obstacle course, that means getting past me, Sam, Q, and scoring on Lach, and Brayden, if you can save half of 25, so 13, shots from Sam, Q, and I, we are going to let you pick any student player, to take 3 slap shots on me."

"Are you serious?" Jake smiled.

"Yeah, I mean, Troy kind of got out voted." Q laughed. "But, he's happy to do it."

"Wait a minute." Ryan looked at Axel.

Axel just smiled and nodded.

"He did say any student player." Brayden shrugged.

"So, we're all in agreeance?" Jake looked at the 3 of them.

They all nodded.

"I'll talk to him then." Axel shrugged.

"Can we know who you guys are talking about?" Sam laughed.

"Nope." They all shook their heads. "It's a surprise."

"Definitely going to be a surprise for you." Axel looked at me.

"How so?" I crossed my arms.

"Oh just, pretty sure Brayden and I are going to take a bet on the face you make." He laughed. "But seriously, thank you for doing this. The whole team really appreciates you 4."

"We're happy to do it." Lachlin smiled. "Makes us flash back to our college hockey days."

"Well, maybe we can do some kind of charity event together." Jake nodded. "Drexel vs. Flyers. Make it fun."

"You know what, we'll talk to our higher ups about it." I smiled.

"Perfect. Uh, we have to go do our conditioning. But we'll see you later."

And with that, us 4 left, but walking out of the rink, I saw Kaylin sitting under a giant tree, glasses on, some type of notebook in hand.

But, I don't see the problem with going to have a conversation with her.

"Hey guys, uh, give me a minute. I'll see you in the parking lot then we'll decide where to eat."

"Mhm." Q laughed. "Go on, we see her too."

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