Chapter Eight

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"Here I thought it would be impossible to find the right girl. Here I thought she did not exist."The Secret Journal of B.T.

Ben did not know entirely what to do. He could not go to Hastings House to court Olivia and could not see her during the day. People would tell his mama and she would threaten to use every last penny until it forced him to find the woman with the largest dowry and marry her in a week's time. Most people would not believe one could carry out such a threat, but Lady Cressida Twombley would.

She would leach on his happiness and leave a shell in its place if it meant she got what she wanted. It did not matter who the person was, even if that person was her own son.

"Did you hear that Lord Corning went to see Miss Bridgerton-Sharpe? The gall. You will not go near Hastings House. Miss Hastings is practically engaged and she is the only eligible miss in residence." Hearing such a preposterous rumour shook Ben out of his thoughts.

Another gentleman had already begun to court her? He could not stand for it, but there was not much he could do.


He would have to find a servant who was willing to keep a secret from his mama (not many existed in this household) and one who would not gossip to every other servant of the ton in hers to pull this off. There was almost no chance, yet he had to. Every part of him yearned for this young lady he hardly knew.

Perhaps his valet would know. James did not particularly care for his mother. She treated him poorly until Benjamin stood up for him.

It was definitely a start.

"It is quite startling, I will admit as much," Ben agreed. "I need to go upstairs. I will join you for dinner."

She did not say a word. He was rather grateful she did not. He dashed up the stairs just slow enough that it did not draw attention to him but still got him to his room faster than usual.

"Sir, I did not realize you were coming back so soon. I can—" Ben stopped James before he could finish his sentence.

"James, I came up to find you. I was hoping you could assist me with something, but it will have to be kept hidden from my mother," Ben whispered the last bit, knowing her loyal servants could be anywhere listening to their conversation. They were every bit as obnoxious as they were ever-present.

"What is it you need?" James asked. He kept his voice low as well—they did not need a snitch overhearing their conversation.

"Do you know about Miss Bridgerton-Sharpe?" James' eyes rose in interest. "I cannot court her in traditional ways."

"I already have a friend at Hastings House. I should be able to coordinate messages with them if that is what you wish." James read Benjamin's mind. It was what made them work so well (though, obviously, it did not work in every situation).

"You are a blessing." Benjamin gave him a rare hug, before going to his desk.

He was not sure exactly what he wished to say, so instead he opened his notebook and found all he had said when he knew no one would read what he had to say. There were not many who listened when he had something meaningful to say, or they assumed he was pulling their leg.

Ben knew this would not be the case with Miss Bridgerton-Sharpe. She understood the power of words. He researched her parentage and found that her father and mother ran a print shop. He could not screw this up, not when so much was on the line.

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