Chapter Eleven

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"I wonder if I will miss the freedom of solitude when I am married."
The Romantic Writings of O.B.P.S.

"I wonder what it would feel like to have someone to go home to."
The Secret Journal of B.T.

Over the course of the next couple of weeks, it was difficult to find much time to see one another. Ball after ball left them both exhausted and sleeping until enough of Mayfair was awake that they could not meet.

Olivia found them interesting, but more from a wallflower's perspective. Ben did not ask her to dance at every one—it would raise unnecessary suspicion neither wished to attract. She danced one gentleman, two at most, who pitied her enough to ask. That was a custom that had generally changed since her mama engaged in a single season of her own.

The first letter she sent out arrived at Lord Twombley's not long after the first of four balls.


It may sound a tad mad, however, I have not been able to rid you from my mind since we met with one another three days ago. Even books never describe the way it feels to connect with someone like we did.

Although it may only be a few days before we see each other once again (as I suspect you are going to the Groves Ball), I wished to share with you a few tidbits about myself you might have never known without these letters.

I have a sister and two brothers. They are both younger than I am, but I love each one with my whole heart. I have never quite fit in with them, but I wouldn't trade my family for anything. They love the printing business and enjoy bringing someone's words to life and ready to give the world. I saved my energy for teaching myself whatever I could. That did not include ballroom dances, but I do rather enjoy those despite the number of times I have had my feet stepped on.

If I had to choose one line I had found inspiring over the years of working for my parents, it would be this:

There is nothing quite as special as discovering a dream among a sea of stars.

With love,

Olivia Bridgerton-Sharpe

It would take her a long time to admit it, but from the moment they met, he had become her new dream. She treasured it with all her heart.

She never saw his reaction personally, but his reply made him out to be very eager. According to Anne, who heard from Ben's servant, he blushed and held the letter to his chest for a full half hour. Then, the same day, he composed an answer of his own.

That was her very reaction when she read his letter to her.


It is not mad—I cannot forget about that moment either. If I am bored, I let my mind relive the memory for far too long. It has gotten me into trouble with my mama on more than one occasion. She believes it is something else other than thinking about you, as one would expect.

I hope I can steal you away for a dance at the Groves Ball, but it may not be possible. We need to keep suspicion off of the two of us; if we do not, I will ensure that we find some time on a quiet morning to do it all alone.

While we are sharing parts of ourselves we do not share with others, I have never once found an exotic woman to be appealing. My friends believe I must be insane, as most men engage in such affairs before marriage (and often while married). I would rather find a woman who will bring my emotional satisfaction than physical. My mama and I are not close in almost any way aside from the fact that she places the importance of carrying on the bloodline and I want to—though not because she wishes for it.

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