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“Fuck! It's so tight!” I moaned as I adjusted on the bed.

Sweat dropped from my head, to my neck and I breathed heavily. 

“Fucking open!” I screamed at the drawer that I had accidentally jammed my hand into. 

The door opened to reveal Mr Vaswell standing with a file in his hands. His eyes flickered to me then to my jammed hand.

“Ugh…fuck… please help me out.” I pleaded and he dropped the file immediately rushing to my rescue. With a small budge, the drawer opened and I pulled my hand out, blood lacing on my knuckles as my hand reddened.

“How could you be so careless, Miss Wayne?” He scolded, picking up the first aid kit that laid under the bed. 

“Y-you know my name?” I asked, surprised. His grey eyes glanced at me before bandaging my hand.

“Of course I do, you are in my class. I also know you are the cousin of Miss Overland who is also in my class.”

I winced as the bandage wrapped the finger, “Oh no, trust me, I'm nothing like my cousin.”

“Yes, You are clumsy and she is not.” I stared at him again, he could honestly pass off as a teenager. He must be really young.

I frowned, biting my lip in anxt. “But you are also calm, don't hurt your pretty fingers again.” 

He leaned in, leaving a kiss on my injured hand. His eyes lingered on my chest, before he coughed leaving the file on the nurses table and walking out.

I looked down, what could he possibly be looking at? 

My button had popped open, revealing the red lacy push up brassiere I wore.


I smacked my hand on my head. And today was one of the days I chose to not wear a singlet.

How will I ever face him now??

I got up and walked out of the health bay after stitching the open button of my shirt. Everyone else were either in class or in their dorm rooms.

“Vaping is prohibited in school.” I said to Samuel who sat on the pavement, headphones on as he exhaled the substance.

“Want some?” He stretched the vape to me but I pushed it away.

“No thank you, I love my lungs.” He chuckled, inhaling again. 

“You should head to class.” He urged, pointing to the school building in the east wing. I shook my head, remembering my encounter with Mr. Whose name will not be mentioned.

“No, I have the red dragon today.”

He puffs, “Red dragon? What the fuck is- oh!” His eyes drifted down to my skirt and he chuckled again. 

I hid my injured hand perfectly in my pocket. “Come on, escort me to my dorm.” I tossed my bag in his laps and he raised his head staring at me.

He had a good tolerance for vape due to years of experience. His eyes were barely red. 

Samuel Cole Adebayo, one of the richest and most influential kids in Brynnica, also part of the elites. He was one of those introverts with his daddy being a major shareholder in the school, the teachers didn't stress him. They dared not.

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