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As Treasure plunged into the water, everywhere went still. And I screamed.

I watched, I watched as she struggled in the water, struggled to stay up to not let the inner demons get to her.

I wanted to jump in, but the only swimming I knew how to do was in my bathtub.

In a few minutes, Zayaad emerged from the water, holding Treasure’s limp body in his arms as he rushed to the direction of the Infirmary.

“W-wunmi i didnt m-” I felt Moyosola’s hand on my arm as i swatted it away with anger.

“I dont have energy to pretend to like you today! Stay away from me!” She stared at me as if my words burnt her.

The boys rushed from their training session. 

“What’s wrong? I heard you scream. Wait-where’s Treasure?” Demola asked, making me glare at him, I was fuming.

This was all his fault.

“Your stupid girlfriend pushed Treasure into the water all because she vibed with you!” Michael immediately ran to the direction of the Infirmary and I followed him.

The commotion inside was alarming, Treasure laid on the bed as the nurse tried to get all the water out of her lungs and the machines beeped.

Zayaad stood with a towel around his neck while Michael stood beside his sister’s bed. “Keisha, you gotta fight it.” He kept chanting while the nurses kept working.

The door opened and more medical personnel moved in and a stretcher was brought along with them.

“We have to move her to the Medical Ward and you can't come along, not yet.” The nurses said to us.

The Medical ward was a seperate building in Brynnica Academy and it was just like a hospital but they rarely used it only for serious cases like these. It had all the standard equipment and they would call doctors in to treat the students rather than taking the students out and causing attention.

I watched as they lifted her limp and pale body onto the stretcher, stupid thoughts began flooding my head.

What if she never wakes up?

She was in the water for more than ten minutes, what if? What if they couldn't save her?

I bit my lip in anger, tears sliding from my eyes. The doctors had left and Michael was seated on the floor with his head buried in his hands.

Precious, Favour and Mariam rushed in while Mariam ran to her boyfriend’s side. 

“ What happened? Where’s my cousin?” Favour asked, staring at the empty bed. I couldn't hold it anymore and more tears slipped from my eyes and I used my cardigan to wipe it off.

Precious pulled me into her arms and I sobbed, holding her locs and sobbing. “You wouldnt understand… you didn't see her try to hold Moyo’s hand before she fell, you didn't see her drown, you didn't see her struggle to stay up. I couldn’t save her, I couldn't do anything, Precious.” She patted my back as flashes of Treasure’s limp body filled my head.

The door opened and I turned my head to see My cousin had stepped in with Moyo and Cherish.

I pulled myself from Precious arms and stood in front of them blocking their path.

“What are you doing here?” I snapped, staring at Moyosola.

“Wunmi it-”

“I wasn’t talking to you Demola, Stay away.” I glared at my cousin before returning my gaze to Moyo.

“I didn't mean it, i am so-”

“No! No! You don’t get to say sorry! You were so jealous that Demola talked to her often! You let jealousy get the best of you and you pushed her! You of all people know about the 𝒘𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒕 yet you still pushed her in!.. No Moyo! You don’t get to apologize for being intentional!”  

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I wasn't the one that pushed her but I felt so guilty.

I remember the first time I saw Treasure, It was a charity event and she came with her Father. I sat beside her and I was nervous at first until I stared under the table and saw black Air Dior sneakers peeking under her long dinner dress.

I was so shocked and she began laughing and I realized she saw me staring. “ Not to brag, Bug at these types of events…my dad is one of the spotlights so he tends to stand more often, conversing with other guests and all.” 

I didn't get how that affected her wearing sneakers to a formal charity event. “ My mom hates these events so she doesn't attend, But my dad needs a plus one and also someone to keep him company. I don't want my dad to be bored so I wear sneakers under my dresses to keep up with him and I walk like I'm wearing heels.” 

She laughed at how hilarious it sounded but I found it admirable. Ever since that day she wasnt someone I'd sit with and hangout with, No she’s crazy. But she was someone I respected.

I stood behind Moyosola as Wunmi kept shouting at her with tears in her eyes. 

“Shit. Tomorrow is Visiting day.”

Michael groaned as mariam patted him. “What am I going to tell my parents? What am I going to tell my mom? That I let my sister get hurt.”

“She’ll wake up before then, she has to.” Demola said and Michael walked towards him glaring.

“This is all your fault, you know. When my sister wakes up, 𝑷𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒆 stay away from her- i beg of you, Before your girlfriend murders my sister.” He said, the look in his eyes made it evident that he wasn’t joking.

Moyo walked out of the room, hurt-obviously.

“The only way your mom wont find out yet is if we all keep it to ourselves. If the whole school knows then your mom will know before she even enters the reception.” The mysterious good looking boy, Zayaad finally spoke. He was the one who saved Treasure.

“Thank you for saving her.” Precious said to Zayaad and he gave a slight nod and everyone began leaving the room.

Demola and I walked side by side on the same mission-To find Moyo.

“Demola, what did wunmi mean that moyo knew about Treasure water incident? What incident?”

“Treasure 𝐜𝐚𝐧 swim.”


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