Chapter 436

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The closer I get to the center of town, the more consolidated the groups of hunters become, approaching the dry fountain.

I properly adjust my Qi barrier to the level of mana output I felt around Fin and test out my new [Bind] skill a few times just to see how it works and get the hang of its abilities.

The hand I'm able to summon is much darker and denser with mana. It seems like it's similar to my mana manipulation skill, but with the sole purpose of holding things in place. The legendary perk that shapes it into a movable and adjustable hand gives the skill a bit more flexibility, letting the caster hold and move objects, but overall, it is more of a defensive or utility skill than anything else.

I'll most likely only be using this on far lower mana control levels than myself, using it in full-out battle would not be optimal usage. However, if I make the mana dense enough for hunters to see, it can be a very intimidating floating purple hand.

I think about testing out my other 5 skills my body double obtained from the dungeons, but they may be a bit too flashy to use in the center of town while I'm in disguise.

As the center square comes into view, I put these ideas to rest and meet up with all of the other grunts that serve this Boss. At first, I'm a bit worried I'll have to talk to some of them and am not sure if Fin was friends with any of these other grunts in particular, but the odd scene I stumble upon puts my worries to rest.

Three of the men are already here, but they stand with their hands by their sides and look at the fountain with solitary stares, and none of them say a word to one another.

Raze pops out of an alley nearby and gives me a nod with a grin, but doesn't say a word, keeping his head down and finding a place to stand next to the fountain in silence.

Hesitantly, I do the same, standing about 3 meters away from a random level 334 man dressed in shiny armor and an assortment of colorful magic rings with a legendary swordsmanship skill. He sports a bright red flag on his waist.

I know full well how unique and powerful a skill like this is. It gives the user exact critical hit lines if used right, but again, this man's mana control is nearly non-existent. He's recently been given an upgrade crystal and power-leveled too.

As all of the other higher-level grunts of the Crimson Dagger show up, they give off the same readings. Every one of them has max upgraded skills and are all nearing or over level 300, but don't seem as strong as they should be.

Once the final grunt gets in formation, the entire square is filled with 10 of us surrounding the fountain on all sides. No one says a word; they all just stare straight ahead. Some have stacks of papers in hand, while others have them in their pockets.

A few look nervous, while some look excited, and others just don't show any emotion at all.

Then, I feel the ground begin to shake, hear a mechanical noise, and the center of the fountain begins to glow white.

The mana shielding below the fountain cracks open, and I can finally begin to sense what's inside.

After a few seconds, it looks as if it's filled with white energy, and the center of the fountain disappears in the white glow.

The mana-imbued energy is very immense, and it feels just like what I sensed last time Fin and Raze disappeared from my radar.

As the bright white light dims, what is left in its place is equally as intriguing. A spiral metal staircase has opened up in the center of the city and it leads down into the mana-shielded bunker I sensed before.

Portions of the shielding are now available for me to sense on the inside and outside, so I take this opportunity to do a full scan with my All-Seeing Eye. It's incredibly dense, similar to that of the Galeheart tower's shielding, so it makes sense why I'm unable to see through it.

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