Chapter 462

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I can't sense the guard from here inside the tower, but that number "5" on its armor looks eerily familiar to the "7" I saw on the Dark Guard that I fought in the desert.

Considering the strength difference it showed compared to the lower-leveled guards, I can only assume this one is far stronger than that Double Ranked Up Colossal. If it really wanted my teammates dead, there's no question it'd already be done. This means it has something else planned. There must be a reason it wants them to enter the arena.

I watch as reflexively, all 3 of them reach for their item boxes on their waists, but the Dark Guard speaks up again while the large number 5 glows brighter on its chest.

"Not so fast..."

A pulse of red-orange energy comes out of the Guard, and two long Soul Energy Manifested swords form in its hands.

Faster than the eye can see, the guard strips each of them of their storage pouches and holds one sword to Monk's neck, and the other in front of both Abby and Maria.

"Like I said before, you won't be leaving the City just yet. The Dark One is expecting a show and wishes for repayment for breaking his toys."

The Dark Guard lets its energy blades disappear back into its body and dangles the three item storage pouches in the air while walking right down the middle of the street away from the exit gate and toward the arena.

"Come on, fight in the arena tonight, then you're free to do as you wish."

All three of them are frozen in place, most likely feeling a similar sensation to the one time I was face to face with the 7th ranked Dark Guard in the arena before I was powerful enough to take it on.

Although I can't sense the energy levels of this interaction, I can see clear as day on the surveillance system that the power gap here is immense.

As blue and green energies begin to swirl around the two women, and I see red lights sparking up in both of their eyes, Monk's voice can be heard, stopping mayhem from breaking loose.

"We'll do it, we'll fight. But please, leave our storage pouches close by in the training hall, I have important family goods in there. It's important they're not damaged or lost. I don't care for the money or high grade items, but you understand sentimental value, right?"

The Dark Guard doesn't stop walking toward the arena but replies.

"Fine, as long as each of you agrees to actually fight to the 7th stage, we'll keep your belongings close by. Heavily guarded, but close. If even one of you thinks about running away or quitting the fight, you're all dead."


The three of them follow the Dark Guard into the arena to register, and all I can do is watch and wait.

A million theories turn through my mind, and tons of options including getting my main body and ember to come to help with this situation come up, but nothing seems like a viable option.

This entire city is under lock and key, with a minimum of half a dozen more double-ranked up Dark Guards lurking in the shadows, not to mention their boss watching every move.

As bad as it may seem, waiting and letting them figure out how to get out of this situation themselves is the best course of action. From my letter, and the time spent inside the monastery after Monk read it, I'm sure they are aware of how powerful the monsters they're dealing with are.

Considering this, both Maria and Abby are very skilled fighters and strategists themselves. Monk has been living within these walls for many years too. Odds are, they're already coming up with a plan to get those item boxes back themselves.

[CH399+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now