A New Life...

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Kicken' woke up, he didn't remember much of anything that happened last night except Bubba was in bed with him. He rolled over, his whole body hurt. He looked at Bubba and went red, he remembered... Bubba and him had done it.

Kicken' "Yeah, that's checks..." He said lazily as he understood the dull pain he felt throughout his body

Bubba had only a bite and claw marks to show, Kicken' felt like he had a lot more. Bubba opened his eyes and looked into Kicken's.

Bubba "Morning, Twink.."

Kicken' "Not a Twink.."

Bubba "Says who? The bites? Bruises? Your messy feathers?"

Kicken' groaned and rolled over and tried to get out of bed. He stood up and collapsed forward. His legs didn't work (lol). Bubba Snickerd and got out of bed. Bubba stretched and walked in circles around Kicken'.

Kicken' "Yeah, Hahah, you aren't that bad at sex... I'm sorry... Please help me" he said with puppy eyes

Bubba got them both dressed and helped him get to the bathroom. He closed Kicken' in and went to the kitchen. He looked around, he wanted to cook but was nervous.

"good morning, dear"

Bubba whipped around and saw Kicken's mom. He sighed, she'd scared him.

"you didn't break his bed right? That was expensive"

Bubba turned red and shook his head. Kicken's mom started to make breakfast and he sat down. He heard Kicken' yell from the other room.

"did you break my kid?"

Bubba "Maybe just a little..."

"Hah, he deserves it"

Bubba grinned and got up to help him. He picked Kicken' up and carried him to the kitchen. Bubba looked at the time, it was 30 minutes before school starts. They ate quickly, Kicken' hugged his mom bye and they got in his car.

Bubba "You have a license right?"

Kicken' "Licenses are over rated"

Bubba "Wha-"

Kicken' started driving. They got to school and got out. Bubba got a phone call. It was his dad.

Bubba "Hey" he answered

"hey, you at school yet?"

Bubba "Yes"


He hung up and Bubba went in with Kickin'. The front desk lady was worried he was hurt because he was wobbly and limping. They got to class and sat down. CatNap was covering a spot on his neck.

Kicken' "What happened to you, Kitty bro?"

CatNap looked at him and grinned.

DogDay "Your neck... Are you okay, Kicks?"

Kicken' turned red and covered his neck. CatNap moved his hand enough so Bubba and Kicken' could see the bite. DogDay blushed and apologized to CatNap.

DogDay "We weren't doing anything I just wanted to mark him as mine..."

DogDay cuddled the cat as he purred. CatNap yawned. Class started and they got to work. CatNap kept talking to Dogday and Bobby. Hoppy sat in the corner. She was mad her mom made her come. She was full of anxiety. He dad was still packing his stuff and she didn't know what would happen to her. Her dad had gotten a house 7 hours away. she didn't wanna be fatherless or motherless. She didn't wanna be friendless either, but she didn't know how to apologize for her out lash. She could see CatNap cozying up to Dogday, wrapping his long tail around Dogday's thighs. DogDay blushed and his tail started to wag. CatNap snuggled to his neck and started licking it, not in a dirty way.

•--After School--•

Bubba's phone rang as he was chatting with his friends. He answered it on speaker.

"I want the truth kid, did you sleep with one of your friends?"

Everyone looked at him in shock. Bubba of all people? Already? He said yes, he wasn't one for lying.

"who was it!? Was it one of the girls?"

Bubba "N- no, dad..."


Bubba swallowed hard, he knew his parents were religious but he never thought they'd get mad at him for being himself.

Bubba "Kicken'....."


Bubba "Yes..." He hung up

Kicken' got in his car to take Bubba home. They got there and saw suitcases and other stuff. Bubba got out and went up to his parents. Kicken' was getting a bad feeling in his stomach so he stayed. Bubba's mother came up and started knocking on the window. He put it down.

Kicken' "Yes, Ma'am?"

Bubba's mom started calling him the devil and other horrible names. He lost it after one word.


Kicken' swung his door open and hit her with it. He got out and started calmly telling her to never say that again. Bubba's dad came over.


Kicken' growled and punched him, but hard enough to damage him. He grabbed Bubba stuff and started putting it in the bed of his truck. He put the cover on and got in.

Bubba "Where am I gonna live....?"

Kicken' "With me"

He drove off. Bubba started explaining how abusive his parents were. Kicken' grabbed his face and kissed him. He started Flirting for the fun of it, which distracted Bubba.

Bubba "S- stop-" he was getting red

Kicken' "Why should I?~ now that you live with me you can fuck me all day and night~~"

Bubba "Nooo" he said playfully

Kicken' kissed him as they pulled in. Bubba grabbed his face and started making out with him. Kicken's tail wagged and he melted into it. Bubba wrapped around him and fell into his seat. They separated from the heated kiss and looked into each other's eyes. Bubba kissed him again and leaned back. Kicken' got out of his truck and went to explain what happened to his mom. Bubba went to the back and got one of the suitcases. He heard Kicken' scream and ran to him. He walked into the bathroom and gasped. Kicken' was bent over his mom's shower crying. Kicken's mom was laying lifeless covered in blood, knife through her head. Bubba ran to call the police. The cops came and checked for any evidence. Green fur and a Cloud pendant, That only belonged to one person...

Hoppy's dad...

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