Thousand Dollar Question

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DogDay set up plans to take CatNap quiet place, he had big plans today. They were walking in the park, Catnap was fascinated by everything. He'd climb the trees, big and even jump over stuff on all fours. He picked flowers, tried to eat things he shouldn't. After the morning Walk they went to a fair. Then swimming.

DogDay "Cmon, kitty! The water is nice"

CatNap just sat under the tree, drawing with his feet in the water.

DogDay "Watch this!"

CatNap put the stuff down to watch and Dogday grabbed his feet and dragged him in. CatNap gave him a death stare. Then they Went to get lunch.

DogDay "CatNap..." He was just admiring him

CatNap "Mrah?"

DogDay "I love you.."

CatNap "Murr" he said before slowly blinking

DogDay "Is there anything I don't know about you that you're comfortable with me knowing?"

CatNap shook his head, he was usually very open with things lately. He pointed to Dogday and before he could speak someone came up.

"hey, are you two aware that this is MY family's seat?"

DogDay was confused and didn't speak.

"cat, this is my seat I need you to move."

CatNap "Mrah"

"ma'am it's not nice to make your little sounds at me."



DogDay"that's a guy..."

"sir, it's not nice-" she started getting in his face

CatNap backed up a little.

"listen here, Pussy-"

DogDay stood up.

DagDay "Hey hey. We aren't gonna start yelling slurs here-"

"I'm not talking to you, mutt-"

DogDay growled and they started yelling at each other. CatNap tried to get the lady to back up. The Karen smacked CatNap and Dogday finally had enough he got in front of her, standing a whole foot taller than her. She backed up. CatNap was crying and holding a piece of ice against his left eye. DogDay sat CatNap in his lap facing him. DogDay moved his hands and looked, CatNap eye itself had a cut over it and blood was getting everywhere. DogDay took his streak knife and cut his hoodie sleeve off, it was a $1000 dollar hoodie but CatNap was far more important than some hoodie. He wrapped CatNap up and rushed him to the hospital. They took CatNap in to get fixed. He's never seen from that eye again but he could keep it in. CatNap just wanted to go home. DogDay was making dinner and looked at the box with a ring inside it. Today just wasn't the day...

•--Two Weeks Later--•

DogDay took CatNap's hand and kissed it. CatNap blushed and kissed him passionately. DogDay pinned him to the bed, tail wagging. CatNap and Dogday were getting into some heated cuddles. DogDay was biting and sucking CatNap's neck, CatNap Moaned and whimpered under him. DogDay took CatNap's shirt off and rubbed his sides, Catnap was fairly sensitive there. DogDay started pulling CatNap's pants down when he panicked a bit. DogDay stopped.

DogDay "No more?"

Catnap "Mrah..."

DogDay understood that as "You First". DogDay took his shirt off and started to unbuckle his belt when Catnap's face planted into his chest and took a deep long breath.

DogDay "He only loves me for my vanilla..." he said dramatically and playfully


DogDay kissed him and Catnap just yawned.

DogDay "How come you can have me whenever you want but whenever I want you, you get tired?"

CatNap just yawned again before passing out. DogDay yawned and cuddled him. DogDay started petting him as he slowly fell asleep. CatNap purred. DogDay was pretty restless all night.


CatNap groaned and woke up as someone pounded the door. He got up and opened the door. Two people ran in and held a gun to CatNap's head. Catnap backed up, tripping over his feet and falling backwards.

1 "How many people are here!? How many people are here!?"

Catnap "M- Mraw..."


2 "Dumbass, he's mute, just look around."

They searched the house and barricaded DogDay in the bedroom. Catnap stayed on the floor, we kept his hands where they could see them.

1 "Hey, wanna take him?"

2 "For what?"

1 "Why do you think? I suggest it every time"

2 "Eh, I guess we could but- UGHH!!"

Lilly held onto his arm as hard as she could. The first guy shot her twice before CatNap stood and shoved him over. After Lily bit him too they ran off. CatNap broke into the room and shook DogDay awake, bawling. Lily limped in, a bloody hole in her ear and through her shoulder. DogDay picked her up and got everyone in the car before driving to the vet. They took Lily in. They had to do surgery and watch her for a while. CatNap kissed her nose goodbye and gave her a command before walking out with DogDay.

•--The Next Day--•

DogDay and Catnap were in a park about an hour away. It was empty and quiet, Just as CatNap liked. CatNap was throwing around and throwing leaves up. Slapping at fish in the stream and climbing trees. DogDay chased CatNap around and rolled around with him. DogDay laid on the ground and watched him roll and run around. He wasn't worried because the vet called that morning and said Lily could go home tomorrow. DogDay reached into his pocket and pulled out the ring box. DogDay felt a nervous knot in his stomach. He heard CatNap meow for him and he looked up.

CatNap "Mrow!" He yelled from up in a tree

CatNap jumped down the 13 foot drop and tackled DogDay. they rolled again before falling into the water.

DogDay "Ahh!"

Catnap "Mahhh!"

They climbed out and shook off. Their eyes locked for a second before CatNap ran off again. He had so much energy. DogDay pulled his phone out to record this moment. He set the camera against the tree and tried to stop CatNap. The silly Cat bounced left and right before running between his legs.

DogDay "Kitty, it's important" he said nervously

CatNap stopped, stood on two feet and walked over. DogDay dragged him in front of the phone. CatNap yawned and tilted his head. DogDay pulled the ring out and got on one knee.

DogDay "Catnap... Will you marry me..?"

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