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It had only been an hour and Dogday felt ridiculously bad for what he did. Dogday stood up and went to the couch, when he didn't find Catnap his heart skipped a beat. Dogday looked everywhere, the closet, behind the couch, under the sink, in the tub,  Everywhere, he was turning the house upside down. After an hour of looking he finally started to really panic, he'd driven Catnap away. Dogday felt tears prick his eyes as he collapsed on the couch, sobbing. Dogday hadn't cried this hard since Catnap was pronounced dead. Dogday called CatNap's phone, breathing heavily. Dogday froze when he heard CatNap's ringtone in the other room, he ran to it after a minute. Dogday let out a shaky sigh when he saw CatNap's phone left on the table. Dogday fell to the floor, sobbing harder. Juliet came over and sat down.

Juliet "Why are you crying....?"

Dogday "N- nothing..... Get ready for school....." He sniffled

Juliet got ready and got in the car. Dogday got her to school and went home. Dogday called all his friends and called them over.

•--A Whole Year Later--•

Catnap yawned, stretching on all fours. He slowly walked out of the cold, wet, hard cave he'd hidden in.

"Another day of helpless walking in hopes I'll get un-lost" he thought to himself

Catnap went to the stream a few steps away, lapping up the cold water. Catnap listened carefully, watching for predators. He walked over the water and kept walking, after a minute he started trotting, the forest went silent in his wake. It comforted Catnap that he was still one of the most feared creatures in the Forest. He still listened carefully.


Catnap froze, listening closely. Catnap sniffed the air. Catnap looked around carefully, after a second he smelled it. Wolves. Lots of them. He had heard the snap behind him and smelled a wolf in front of him, he was surrounded. Catnap cautiously and slowly turned in circles.

Catnap "Mrrr..." He growled

"fucking hell. This isn't good." He thought quietly

Catnap heard something running towards him and he whipped around, staring a wolf in the eyes. They stared at each other until Catnap heard a sound behind him, he turned and saw another one, he looked between the 7 wolves as they showed up. Catnap growled a warning. The wolves just snapped and snarled. CatNap growled one more time before jumping over a wolf and running, the pack of wild animals in hot pursuit. Catnap ran and jumped over stuff but he couldn't shake them. Catnap whipped around when one grabbed his tail, he hissed and swatted at it, backing himself into a corner.

Catnap "Mrrrr... Mrrrrooooowwwww....."

Catnap fought as hard as possible, eventually fighting them off. Catnap was very hurt. He had bad injuries and he knew it. He had a torn ear, his left hip had a huge gash in it, he felt a large tear on his chest and his right wrist was definitely damaged as well as the many deep bites. Catnap limped to the stream and washed himself off. The intense pain he felt still wasn't as painful as he longing for Dogday's warm embrace and the comfy bed. Catnap hid in his cave and licked his wounds. His stomach growled and he teared up. He limped out and waited by the stream for some fish to pass. He picked them up with his paws and brought back 9 fish. He made a campfire with just sticks. He cooked the fish and ate them. He was still hungry but he couldn't risk it. He laid down, wincing when he hit his hip. He rolled over, looking at the stars. The days had been passing so fast but it felt like years to him. He knew to get home it was up but where up? You can't climb a waterfall, especially after you fell from it. Catnap groomed himself, licking every inch of his body, he hated being dirty but he hated water more. he stopped at his hip, he knew his tongue would hurt against the gash but he had to clean it. He gently licked the gash, flinching against his tongue. After her cleaned the wounds he could reach he laid down. Catnap looked at the moon again.

"At least I know we are seeing the same moon..." He thought

He looked at the ring on his hand before he started sobbing


Dogday was sitting on the roof, staring at the moon.

Dogday "At least we see the same moon..... If you're alive....." He sobbed quietly to himself

Dogday hadn't taken the ring off, he looked at it before looking at the bright crescent in the night sky.


Catnap woke up when it started getting too cold. He went deeper into the cave, walking until it stopped. He laid down against the cool wall, shivering. Catnap wrapped around himself, tearing up. Catnap felt himself getting colder by the second. Catnap whimpered in pain as he felt the blood on each of his wounds slowly freezing. The pain was burning and horrible to deal with. Catnap tried to sleep in peace but he couldn't. Catnap started fighting against the urge to fall asleep, knowing if he did he might not wake up. He got up and stretched, maybe he just shouldn't sleep. He left the cave before realizing it was snowing. CatNap's ears dropped as he faced this now challenge. He backed away into the cave, he hated snow. It was cold and wet, and it gave his paws easy frostbite. Catnap flopped on the cold rock, he thought about all that's changed. What if dogday forgot about him? What if his friends weren't friends? What if Lily wasn't there to welcome him home with a thrashing tail? What if someone hated him? Were his babies alright? Who made Chihuahua a dog? Catnap thought about everything he'd done, he realized life really does flash before your eyes. He regretted so much. He collapsed and passed out.

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