Catnapped - Part Three

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(TW: Hoppy abuse)

It was almost the end of the day, Meaning Dogday was almost out of time. Hoppy was trying to use her broken phone to make an SOS, of course it wouldn't work because they were miles into A forest. CatNap was asleep with the tiny little rats. Hoppy groaned.

Hoppy "Can you help me out? Instead of sleeping with gross little critters that are more than likely carrying multiple sicknesses?"

CatNap "... Mrah"

Hoppy growled before spotting something. There was a vent, large enough for a very skinny person. Hoppy put her hands on it and measured herself, she was too big by a hair. She measured CatNap, he was smaller.

Hoppy "CatNap, I need your body"

CatNap stood up, giving her a dirty look. Hoppy groaned, picked him up and pulled the vent door off before helping CatNap up. CatNap carefully crawled through the vent. It suddenly went straight up, Catnap stood on his two feet and used his tail to raise higher. CatNap pushed the other end of the vent Open and crawled out, he ran as fast as possible he could. He found a phone booth and called Dogday, he already knew the police wouldn't understand his series of sounds. DogDay answered and Catnap got him to call the police on a different phone. They spent about an hour before the cops said they could be there as fast as possible. 20 minutes later DogDay said the cops just said they had to deal with something else. CatNap growled, DogDay tried to comfort him from the other end of the call. CatNap tears up.


Michael threw Hoppy at the floor with a thud. Hoppy groaned against her dizziness, panting.

Hoppy "I'm not telling you anything." She growled

Michael "Bitch, I will force you to." He said lifting her by her ears

Hoppy rolled her eyes and Michel dragged a pot down and put it down, it was bubbling and let off steam. Hoppy went pale when Michael shoved her hand in it. Hoppy screeched in pain, Kicking her legs and trying to get away from the pain. After about 2 minutes Michael shoved her away before walking upstairs. Hoppy groaned and whimpered she was hopeful CatNap would be back with help soon so she went over to the almost empty gallon of water before pouring on her hand, it was cold enough to ease some of the pain. Hoppy collapsed in the cool puddle. Michael came down with a knife, a few ropes and a baseball bat. Hoppy was used to hurting herself by falling and accidentally burning herself while helping Picky cook but she'd never been hit with a bat. Michael held the knife to Hoppy's throat and asked what she wanted first. Hoppy jokingly asked to eat first. Michael just groaned and went upstairs.

Hoppy "What..?" She looked at what he left

Hoppy let out a shaky sigh and grabbed the baseball bat before hiding around the corner. She heard someone walking down, she hit him with the bat. Michael fell backwards, holding his face. He grabbed the bat from Hoppy before hitting her on the head with more force than she expected. Hoppy whimpered and backed up, his vision on the left side went red as blood trickled over her eye. She cornered herself. Michael hit her again, watching her blood to hit the wall. Michael grabbed a knife to her throat before asking again.

Michael "Where. Is. The. Cat."

Hoppy "I. Am. Not. Telling. You. Any-"

He cut her off by stabbing her in the thigh. Hoppy screamed in pain, breathing heavily. Michael growled and dragged the knife down to her knee, her blood gushing out before he stabbed her through the knee.

Michael "You don't know when to quit, do you?"

Hoppy "Like Judy hops said... I DONT  know when to quit!" She said as she slammed her feet into his stomach

Michael flew at least 5 feet back. Hoppy growled, expecting to be hit again, and she was right. Michael grabbed the ropes and tied her up before hitting her with the bat again. Hoppy gasped just seconds before her stabbed her chest. Luckily Michael was a drop out and didn't hit her heart of lungs, which she knew because she wasn't a preschool drop out. Hoppy pretended she was hit somewhere Vidal and screamed louder than before. Michael grinned and looked at the bat, he smacked it into Hoppy's head again. After a minute he got mad that she wasn't even weak, so he started repeatedly beating her. One bash before her head would clearly cave in there was a knock at the door. Michael was covered in blood so he just opened the mail shoot.

Michael "Who is it?"

"Luffwood county police"

Michael's face went pale, he put a robe on and opened the door. Michael's heart immediately stopped when he saw DogDay wrapped around CatNap. Two cops came in before arresting Michael and Lukas. Michael fought so he was tased. Lukas didn't fight and walked with the cop, he knew he did wrong and he wasn't all that bad, it was his idea to feed and water them. One cop went down the stairs, followed by CatNap, the cops froze and Pushed CatNap back up. CatNap panickinedand slipped by. CatNap teared up at Hoppy's bloody body. Bobby came down and gasped.

•--Two Hours Later--•

Bubba had luckily just graduated and was the doctor that had to look after Hoppy. Hoppy was covered in bandages and had an oxygen mask on.

Bobby "What are the chances...?"

Bubba "About 5%..."

Bubba was called to a different room and left. Everyone but Bobby and Kicken' left. Kicken' looked at Bobby.

Kicken' "Why so upset..? Aside the obvious..."

Bobby "I never got to tell her..."

Kicken' "Tell her what..?"

Bobby "I love you..."

Kicken' was confused for a second before realizing. Bobby sighed before Kicken' suggested a true loves kiss. Bobby growled. Kicken' smiled slightly before patting Bobby's back and leaving her to grief with Hoppy's weak body.


DogDay parked at the jail and Catnap looked at him. DogDay smiled and said he had to get his dad out. They got out and went in. They paid the bail off and a cop went to the cell. DogDay gasped and covered his face. CatNap's jaw dropped and the cop just groaned. Mr. Day was underneath his cellmate, tears in his eyes.

Mr. Day "I lost a bet, okay?" He panted, out of breath

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