17. Tests of Strength

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Though Hunter and Vane had clashed in battle before, that was a long time ago.

Seeing Vane in his territory, left his eyes blazing with rage that was fueled by the need to protect what was his.

He snarled, the beads of sweat already beginning to form on his forehead. The rapid rise in his body temperature made him rip off his shirt, revealing his chest which rose and fell with rapid breaths.

As they circled each other in that open space among the trees, he cautiously and silently assessed Vane's strengths and weaknesses.

"I must admit. You're one lucky Alpha. Riley's quite the catch. Her pictures were magnificent," Vane said, casually adjusting his cape.

"Go back to your wife while you still can."

"I'm afraid I can't do that. At least not for now. She'll be alright without me and can wait until I get what I came here for. This is the part where you step aside and let me have Riley."

"You'll have to go through me."

"You do realize you're no match for me. I could just easily fly away and down at the mansion. But you know what? Where's the fun in that?"

"You really don't want to fuck with me right now."

Vane scoffed. "Is Riley having her beauty sleep at this moment?"

Hunter stopped snarling and looked away, but it was too late.

"Ah..I see. She's not here," Vane said.

"Stay out of my fucking head!"

"What a shame. It just had to be Marcellina who saved the day. Not a problem. I'll definitely be back for-"

His words were cut short when Hunter suddenly darted across the path and slammed into Vane so hard that he pinned him against a tree.

"I told you to fuck off!" Hunter yelled.

For a moment, it seemed that he already had Vane right where he wanted him, but in a sudden retaliation, Vane pushed forward, sending Hunter into the tree on the opposite side.

As soon as Hunter's back came in contact with the tree trunk, he growled in pain as he fell, but quickly recovered and picked himself up.

He needed to be at his best so he could take on someone like Vane, who seemed like he didn't want to leave despite Riley being away.

Taking a defensive stance, he felt the need to still drive Vane out of his territory, and also use that moment to test his own strength compared to the last time they had clashed.

"Do you really want to take me on, little boy?" Vane's lips curved into a wicked smirk, revealing his fangs that matched his sinister demeanor.


"It seems that you've forgotten how many times we've done this in the past."

"Leave or shut up and fight."

"I have some good news for you. I prefer the second option."

With a roar, Hunter lunged forward, his claws slashing through the night air.

As much as Vane skillfully dodged most of the continuous attacks, Hunter's claws finally tore through Vane's cape.

Getting a hold of himself, Vane leaped up into a tree, looking down at himself with disbelief.

"How dare you ruin my favorite cape?" he snarled menacingly.

"Come down here and I'll ruin that face of yours!"

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