Chpater four

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The auditions went well. Leo thinks they went well. Did they go well for Jake? He's not sure. He is currently in the common room of the boys boarding house called Carrington, waiting for their new rooms. He's on the sofa by himself, scanning the room.

He sees Roberto, Chang and Fin. Jake is nowhere. Mrs Knock comes through the doorway with a sheet of paper. The boys all shut up.

"Boys, I know you are all eager to find out your rooms but some announcements have to be made." A collective roar of 'awws.'

Leo doesn't like announcements. So he doesn't bother listening. They never have important announcements. Right?

"And lastly of the fourth form boys section we have Roberto with Chang room 105, Fin with Dun room 106 and Leo with Jake room 107." Leo felt his heart stop in a sudden rush of shock and overwhelming happiness. It was as if time itself had paused, leaving him suspended in a moment of pure disbelief and joy. Him and Jake. Sharing a dorm? He rubes his eyes, his ears and his di-

"Hey, sorry Mr Thomson was talking to me. We're roomates, pretty cool right?" Jake sits next to Leo on the sofa.

Leo can't contain himself. He jumps off the sofa and starts doing backflips on the ground. Fin is complaining on why he can't share a room with his girlfriend, Claire. You honestly can't blame them, they're a cute pair.

Jake walks over to Leo. "Hurry up or else I'll lock you out!"

Jake's teasing is so cute. Leo nods and quickly stops back flipping. He hurriedly grabs their keys from Mrs Knock and go find their room.

Their stuff is already in there, they just have to unpack. Leo will admit that their room has a weird layout. Especially with the beds.

map of room

Jake is confused

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Jake is confused. "Why is the desk in the middle? Can we move it?"

Leo shakes his head. "No, drilled in place." Jake nods. Leo doesn't know how he is going to survive the night. The beds are close together, people for the finals of the competition will be out tomorrow, he kissed Jake today, he might do more backflips- a hand on his shoulder.

"Leo, what's on your mind? Remember what I said?" Yes, Leo does remmeber. Jake told him to not carry the weight of the world upon his shoulders.

Leo relaxes. "It's just.. the beds.." Jake looks hurt.

"NO!!" Leo shouts the word. A Roberto passing by sticks his head through the door which Leo quickly slams shut. "I thought you would mind. I'm cool with it." Jake smiles. Leo thinks his smile is cute. He's captivated by its warmth and genuine charm. Leo thinks a lot about Jake. How perfectly sculptured he is, his sharp jawline, cheeky dimples, dense drown eyes, soft fluffy chestnut hair..

Leo's love for Jake is too deep, coursing through his veins like wildfire. He's always drawn to the curve of his smile, eyes lingering on them just a bit too much.

Oh well, this is love.


Earlier, Chang's pov:

The auditions are on right now. We are getting new dorms. I want Jake and Leo to be in 107. That one has the bad soundproof walls and beds together.

Mrs knock said she could arrange that if I presented her with something. I've finally found it. Maybe Leo will hate me for this, but I'm doing him a favour.


'My drug is my baby I'll be usin' for the rest of my life,' -Don't blame me now by Taylor Swift

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