Chapter five

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Leo and Jakey are in music. Mr Thomson is yapping. The clock is ticking, nearly time for break.

Stewy puts his hand up. 'Sir, do you have the finalists?'

Mr Thomson is tempted to chuck his pen at him. 'Oh, yes!'

He grabs his list and announces the finalists.



Leo wants to listen but his mind is elsewhere. He can't stop thinking about his new room with Jake, the close proximity of their beds and-

"For our junior pianists we have Leo Liu and Jake Thomas!" Leo stops mid-thought. Him and Jake. In the same category. This means one thing.. they're competing against each other.

Jake nudges Leo with his shoulder. His smile, oh so gentle, how will Leo compete with that?

"Class dismissed!" Everyone leaves the class except for Leo and Jake. Jake is looking at him quizzically but Leo doesn't want to meet his eyes. "What's wrong Leo?"

"Nothing.." Leo hurriedly packs his bag and rushes out the classroom. "Catch you later."

Jake knows what's wrong. Well, some of it at the very least. Leo doesn't want to compete with him. They're both music nerds, so this is quite literally compulsory for them. Deep down Jake is praying that he'll win. Not that he has anything against Leo, but his parents, oh boy his parents are another story.


An extract from Jake's diary.

4/2/18 Dear diary,

Mummy and daddy are screaming and crying. They are not happy with my music score.  I don't know what I did wrong. Mr Smith said I did good, 34/40 being impressive.

My arm is bleeding. I don't know how to stop it. Mummy threw her favourite vase at me when I got home. I hope she won't miss that vase. It has little bunnies and bows on it. I can hear her coming up the stairs.

She is banging on my bedroom door. I put my chair behind it. Daddy was angry at me too, but he's trying to calm mummy down. 

I think my door is going to fall off. I hope mummy stops soon, she's scary when she is angry.

I'm scared. Please help me. If someone sees this. I really don't like this version of mummy. I don't know why she wants me to focuse on music so much.

Maybe I can


It is night time in Jake and Leo's dorm. Leo is miming his piece and Jake is watching him. Leo moves his fingers gracefully, like people at a renaissance ball. Leo gradually brings his piece to an end. Leo is playing Beethoven 7th symphony 1st and 2nd movement. Leo said he was going to play heartbreak but Jakey isn't so sure on it.

Jakey claps. "WOW!" Leo blushes and bows. "Seriously, I think you'll beat me, Jake," Leo hangs his legs off the bed, prompting for Jake to join him.

Jake giggles. "HEHEHEHEHE." He thinks his words through carefully. "Honestly, I don't think Galway Girl is going to beat Beethoven."

"HAR HAR HAR!" Leo laughs. Jake is funny. "Well we'll see tomorrow, you are crazy good on the piano Jake. Hey, it's getting late now. I'm gonna go shower then sleep, okay?"

Jake nods and squeezes Leo's hand, watching him go into the bathroom. Jake feels a sudden powerful urge stirring within. His heart is racing, the thought piece itself together in his mind. What if, just maybe.. he joins Leo? It's reckless and impulsive of him- they're still at school after all. But he wants it, so badly. The heat of Leo's skin against his, this longing feeling of wants to be close to Leo. His good luck charm, that is.

Oh well, fuck it.


Jake slides off the bed and carefully creeks open the bathroom door. He carefully takes off his clothes inside and joins Leo.


And the rest, is for another day.

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