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I wake up to the sensation of being shaken vigorously.

"Svegliati, siamo appena atterrati," Lia informs me as my eyes slowly flutter open.

"Veramente?" I respond incredulously.

"Sì, siamo atterrati pochi minuti fa," she confirms.

So, I slept for almost the whole flight!?

I glance out of the oval-shaped airplane window and notice that we're at the Brazilian mafia's airplane hangar.

I shuffle out of bed and head to the small bathroom, where I quickly brush my teeth for three minutes and wash my face before applying moisturizer.

Returning to the room, I find Lia still waiting for me.

"Let's go, our suitcases are already in the limo," she says.

I follow her out of the room and out of the plane, where we're greeted by a waiting black limo.

Lia enters the limo first, and I follow, only to find two girls already inside.

The two girls from Luciano's team who visited our house the other day...

What were their names again?

Sofia and Vicky?

"Cosa stanno facendo qui?" I question.

"Importa?" Lia responds.

"Sì," I reply.

"Mateo, Luciano e gli altri ragazzi sono andati nella stessa limousine
," Lia explains.

"Così? Perché non potevano semplicemente portare questi due con sé?" I ask.

"Non lo so, Ari," Lia responds.

"We understand Italian," Vicky interjects.

Oh, shit..

"Omg, I'm so sorry, Ari can be a bitch sometimes but I promise she gets better when you get to know her" Lia says.

"It's okay, I didn't really expect one of the deadliest assassins to be polite," Vicky remarks, and Lia chuckles.

Somehow, as the driver navigated the long journey, Lia, Vicky, Sofia, and I found ourselves engaging in conversation and surprisingly getting along.

"When did you become an assassin?" I question, turning to Lia.

"When I was 18," she responds.

As the car finally comes to a stop, I peer out the window, noticing the brighter surroundings. It appears we've arrived at a villa, parked beside another limo.

The driver opens the door for us, and we step out, walking towards the front door of the villa.

I've never been here before.

Entering the villa, I'm struck by its beauty - the tiles, the walls, everything looks modern and luxurious.

"I'm gonna go look for Mateo," I announce, leaving Lia with Sofia and Vicky as I navigate through the hallway.

After searching all the rooms on the first floor, I finally find Mateo at the back of the villa, by the pool, engaged in conversation with Luciano.

"Can I talk to you, Mateo?" I request.

"Yes," he responds.

"Dumbass, alone," I specify.

He exchanges a few words with Luciano before walking towards me. "What?" he asks.

"When are Luciano and his team leaving?" I question.

"They're not," he responds.


Mr Capo & Mrs Assassin | 18+Where stories live. Discover now