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It's the day Luciano mentioned we would go to Valencia. I've already packed a few things in my small suitcase, so I make my way downstairs with it.

To my surprise, I find Vicky and Sofia walking out the door.

"You guys are coming to Valencia with us?"

"Yes, the whole team is," Sofia responds as I follow them outside.

Once outside the front door, I see Luciano standing by a black Mercedes, while the girls enter a black limo.

I assume I'll go with the girls...

"Ariella, you're coming with me!" he calls out.


I walk toward him, and to my surprise, he gets into the driver's seat.

Wait, he's going to drive all the way to Valencia? Why couldn't he just have a driver take us?

I get into the car, and he starts the engine. We drive right out of the gate.

He opens the windows wide, and wind rushes in as he drives really fast.

"Slow down," I manage to say over the loud sound of the wind.

"This is my car, I'll drive it however I please," he says, still driving recklessly.

"You're going to get both of us killed," I retort.

"Nope, I won't," he says bluntly, keeping his eyes on the road.

After 20 minutes, he finally slows down the car, closes the windows, and switches on the AC. The sudden quietness feels strange after the loud rush of wind.

I reach over to the modern touchscreen and tap away, trying to start some music. But before even a minute passes, he switches it off.

"Why did you do that?" I ask, irritated.

"Because I don't want to listen to music," he snaps.

"I don't care what you want,"i say, reaching to start the music again. But he grabs my arm, holding my wrist painfully tight.

"I'm not going to have you bothering me this whole ride, so why don't you just sit there like a good little wife and shut the fuck up," he says, releasing my hand.

How dare he talk to me like that. "Good little wife," what an asshole.

I pull my phone out of my pocket and start scrolling through Instagram.

Luciano Rey Delgado

I stop the car at a fast-food restaurant that's on the way, stepping out and waiting for Ariella to join me. But, as expected, she remains stubbornly seated inside.

I walk around the car to her door, pulling it open. "Are you going to get out of the car, or do I have to carry you?" I ask, a hint of annoyance in my voice.

With an eye roll, she puts her phone away and finally exits the car, closing the door behind her. I lock the car and we enter the fast-food restaurant together.

At the counter, I turn to Ariella. "What do you want?" I ask, as she scans the menu.

After she orders, I request a bottle of water for myself. We wait for a few minutes until our food is ready. Carrying the bag of food and the water, we head back to the car.

I hand Ariella the water as I unlock the car and we both get in. She passes me the bag of food in return. Before starting the engine, I place the water in the cup holder beside me and take a few sips as we drive.

I turn to Ariella and notice she's taken off her shoes, folding her legs in her seat as she indulges in her fries.

"Why didn't you order anything?" she asks between bites.

"I ordered water," I reply, keeping my eyes on the road.

"I mean, why didn't you order any food?"

"Because I don't eat and drive," I respond firmly.

"Mhm," she acknowledges, continuing to enjoy her meal.


Ariella Anna Accardi

"We are already here!?" I exclaim in shock as Luciano honks at a big gate.

"Yeah," he responds before the gate is pulled open by a man.

Luciano opens the windows. "Hello," he greets the man.

"Hello boss, welcome back," the man says.

Luciano gives a slight nod before driving us into the yard with a house in the middle of it. It's not as big as Luciano's mansion, but it's quite spacious.

Luciano steps out of the car, and I quickly gather the fast food boxes and other items before getting out.

He walks toward the front door, and I follow him inside.

He uses keys to open the door, and once inside, the interior of the house is impeccable, just as I expected.

"I need to throw this in the bin," I say, holding up the plastic in my hand.

"There's a bin in the kitchen over there," he points toward a room I assume is the kitchen.

I walk toward the kitchen, which is mostly white and perfectly designed. Once I find the bin, I dispose of the plastic and return to Luciano.

"C'mon," he says, leading the way upstairs.

I follow him to a door, which he opens, revealing a spacious bedroom. "Is this my room?" I ask.

"Yep," he confirms.

"Okay," I say, leaving my suitcase by a wall and sitting on the bed.

Luciano leaves, closing the door behind him.


I just had a steaming hot shower, and I must admit, this room has a really good bathroom.

Once I'm done drying myself, I wrap the towel around me and step out of the bathroom, only to be surprised by Luciano's presence.

"Luciano, what the fuck are you doing in my room!?" I exclaim.

He gestures to another small black suitcase in the room. "Oh... did I not mention, we're sharing this room," he says casually.

"Yes, you didn't mention it!" I retort.

"If you did, I would've immediately told you that I'm not sharing a room with you."

"Oh, that's too bad," he begins. "Because the rest of the team just got here, and all the rooms are taken," he says, his tone almost teasing.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I forgot I'm still in a towel.

His eyes shift to my thighs that are completely revealed. "I suggest you get dressed, wifey, before-" Before he can finish his sentence, I grab my suitcase and rush back into the bathroom.

And I swear I hear him chuckle.

Fucking asshole. First, I had to move to Spain with him, now I have to share a room with him. How worse can my life fucking get?

Thanks for reading. Love.
Vote x..

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