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Driving to the town hall, I scan the area until I spot a man holding a brown envelope.

Approaching cautiously, I inquire, "Are you Carlos' guy?"

He nods, quickly handing over the envelope before darting away.

Curious about its contents, I retreat to my car and drive home. Upon arrival, I find Mateo in the living room, eagerly awaiting news.

Taking a seat, I open the envelope, revealing divorce papers. Mateo and I exchange shocked glances. What could Carlos be planning?

Dialing the number from yesterday, Carlos eventually answers. "Delgado," he greets.

"Why did you send me divorce papers?" I demand.

"I want you to divorce Ariella," he states flatly.

Refusing to entertain the idea, I say, "Hell no."

"If you don't so everything i say, Ariellawill suffer the consequences," he threatens. After what Ariella told me he did to her for months i can never wish to have her going through the same thing ever again.

"Okay, what do you want?" I relent.

"Sign the papers and bring them to Cuba," he commands.

Frustrated, I question his logistics, but he assures me he has a suitable landing spot fof my plane.

"See you tomorrow, Delgado," he says, hanging up.

As everyone boards the plane bound for Cuba, I linger outside, updating my father on the situation over the phone.

After concluding the call, I join the others on the plane, where the journey begins swiftly. In no time, we're soaring through the air.

A hostess approaches to take my order, and without hesitation, I request a much-needed whiskey.

Sipping my whiskey slowly, I sink into my seat, consumed by thoughts of the one woman I've sworn to protect, yet who's currently beyond my reach.

The mere notion of Carlos fills me with a rage so intense, I can barely contain it. When I finally have my hands on him, I'll make sure he pays with every ounce of pain he's inflicted.

10hrs later

Finally touching down in Cuba, we find ourselves in Carlos's shoddy airplane hangar. A hired limo awaits us outside, ready to transport us to a nearby hotel. Stepping out of the plane, we pile into the luxurious vehicle, heading towards our temporary refuge.

Upon arrival at the opulent five-star hotel, I express my gratitude to the limo driver before we all enter the hotel. Each of us secures a room, but I've already arranged for the penthouse suite on the top floor.

Once settled in, I waste no time and dial Carlos's number. "We've just landed in Cuba," I inform him bluntly.

"Excellent," his smug voice responds. "Now, await my next instruction, which you'll receive tomorrow at 7 am," he commands before disconnecting.

I hate how he thinks he can just control me.
I am luciano rey delgado, I have killed people for less than what he has done, and yet he thinks he can control me.

Descending to the hotel lounge, where I've brought the divorce papers and i find the guys.

We start discussing and making a plan on how we can get Ariella back without me having to divorce her.

"Since Carlos was foolish enough to send you the papers without witnessing your signature, we should avoid putting your name on them. Instead, one of us could sign," Bruno suggests.

Ariella Anna Accardi

It's been about three agonizing days since I found myself bound to this chair in Carlos's hellhole. The food he's been offering me is utterly repulsive, and I've been refusing to eat it. Ever since I arrived, I've been violently sick, vomiting whatever remnants of food were left in my stomach into the bucket Carlos's guard provided.

Carlos saunters into the room, his presence making my skin crawl. "Tomorrow, you'll have one last encounter with Luciano before you sign the divorce papers and he's out of your life for good," he sneers.

I can't help but taunt him, knowing his plan is doomed to fail. "Your pathetic plan won't work," I say.

His response? He pulls out a pregnancy test. My heart sinks as I realize what he intends. "What's that for?" I demand.

"You've been vomiting. I need you to take this test, though I'm sure it'll be negative. Let's hope for your sake that it is," he says callously, untying me and leading me to the bathroom, his gaze fixed on me.

I refuse to let him see more than necessary. "Can I have some privacy, please?" I request, and he begrudgingly turns away.

After completing the test, I wait anxiously for the result. Two red lines appear, and I'm stunned. "What does that mean?" I turn to Carlos, who grabs my wrist in a vice-like grip.

"How could you be pregnant?" he bellows furiously.

My mind races. I'm on birth control, but when was the last time I renewed it? Panic sets in as I realize the implications. "Luciano," I whisper, barely audible.

"So this is his baby?" Carlos seethes, pointing accusingly at my stomach.

I confess, "Probably. He's the only man I've been with in a long time."

Carlos explodes, dragging me back to the chair and retying me before storming out. Left alone with my thoughts, I realize I'm pregnant. I never imagined having a child, but seeing that positive test changes everything. All I want now is to protect this precious life growing inside me. But how will Luciano react when he finds out?

Luciano Rey Delgado


I receive the call I have been waiting for all night from Carlos."Come to Peck St., and you'll find my empty house, which is No. 56. Oh, and come with the divorce papers," Carlos instructs,With those words, he ends the call.

Thanks so much for reading.

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