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I've been seated on my bed, staring blankly at the wall, replaying the intense encounter with Luciano in my mind. How did I let him fuck me with a fucking gun with the safety off? It felt good, though... How could I have resisted?

Fuck it, I'm avoiding him all day.

"Ariella!" Mateo's voice interrupts my thoughts from the other side of the door.

"Mhm?" I reply.

"Come out here" he says.

"Why?" I reply, my frustration evident in my tone.

"Because I have to tell you something," he explains.

I reluctantly open the door and step out, listening as Mateo informs me that Mom and Dad are arriving in Brazil today and we'll see them at the ball.

"Oh, okay," I respond, trying to mask my inner turmoil.

After speaking with Mateo, I head to Lia's room, where she suggests we go dress shopping with Vicky and Sofia. I agree, but first, I need to get ready.

Back in my room, I take a refreshing shower before carefully selecting an outfit and doing my skincare routine.

Downstairs, I find the girls and we step outside, greeted by the waiting limo. I can't help but feel a pang of annoyance at being chauffeured around in a limo the whole time we've been in Brazil. Sometimes, I just want to feel the thrill of riding in a sports car.

The driver takes us to our chosen boutique, and we step out of the car.

"Hello, ladies," greets the woman at the boutique's entrance, her tone polite and welcoming.

"Hello," we reply.

We all scatter across the boutique, scanning the racks for the perfect dresses. After selecting a few options, we head to the fitting rooms to try them on.

Lia cycles through a series of dresses until we help her settle on the perfect one, and Vicky follows suit.

Sofia emerges from the dressing room in her fourth dress.

"Omg, this one is gorgeous," Vicky exclaims, echoing our sentiments.

Sofia decides on the dress, slipping back into her original outfit. I step into the dressing room next, trying on each dress and seeking the girls' opinions.

With my favourite dress, I step out to reveal it to the girls, receiving enthusiastic approval.

"Omg, that dress is gorgeous," Vicky compliments, and I can't help but smile.

After making our selections, we head to the checkout and pay for our dresses before returning to the car.

Luciano Rey Delgado

The only progress Mateo and I have made in our search for Carlos is finding one of his men in Spain.

I ordered my men to fly him here so I can extract information directly from him. Since we have nowhere else to detain him, he's currently in the basement of our villa.

Mateo and I descend into the basement, flicking on the lights. The guy is bound to a chair, his mouth taped shut.

I rip the tape from his mouth, causing him to groan in discomfort. If he reacts like this to tape being removed, I wonder how he'll handle the real interrogation.

"What's your name?" I ask, my tone firm.

The guy remains silent, "Do I have to torture your name out of you?" I threaten, a smirk playing on my lips.

"I'm not telling you shit!" he yells, his voice echoing in the basement. I can't help but chuckle.

Oh, I'm definitely going to enjoy this.

Mateo walks over to the table full of tools, grabbing a screwdriver before stabbing him in his thigh, blood squirting on the both of us.

"Your. name. "

"Caio... it's Caio," he exclaimed.

"Now, that wasn't so hard, was it?" Mateo says.

"Now tell me, Caio, what were you doing when my men found you?" I ask in a demanding voice.

Once again, he decided to stay silent. I walk over to the table and grab a hammer and a knife.

"What. were. you. doing" I stab him in the same spot Mateo previously stabbed him and he lets out a loud scream.

"Carlos sent me to search for shipments at one of your warehouses, but your men caught me," he confessed, his voice filled with fear.

"Where is Carlos?" Mateo's tone grew more menacing.

The guy remained silent, his eyes darting around nervously. "Where is Carlos?" I repeated, my patience wearing thin.

Still, he remained silent, his defiance frustrating me to no end.

I hit his thigh with the hammer, and he screams loudly.

"Tell me where Carlos is and this pain with stop," I say.

The guy shakes his head before saying "He is coming for her" and that's when Mateo loses his shit and beats him to a bloody fucking pulp.

"Mateo! We need to get information out of him. " I try to stop him, but he just continues beating him until he kills him.

Mateo storms out of the basement, and I'm left here looking at Caio's dead, bloody body.

This guys face is literally rearranged. I didn't fly him all the way to Brazil so he could just get killed in 4 fucking minutes.

'He is coming for her' coming for who?

Who could Carlos be coming for?

And why does it make Mateo so mad to hear that he is coming for her?

Thanks for reading.
Please vote and comment. Love.
I'm so sorry that this chapter was extra short, but I didn't know what to write, so bye.

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