Chapter 2

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Everything was silent in the dark, gloomy forest. The brunette stumbled through the leafy undergrowth as he trekked through, trying desperately to find a way out of the forest. He felt as if he had been stuck there for days, maybe even weeks. Taking his eyes off of the ground, he scanned his surroundings. Trees, trees, and more trees. How had he even gotten there? That was something he couldn't answer because he didn't know. He felt as if he couldn't remember anything of what had happened previously, probably because his mind was filled of images of zombies and gore. Eventually he managed to remember, and his mind wandered to when he witnessed a zombie tearing someone's throat apart, and he had just stood there useless unsure of what to do. It wasn't like he could help them anyways, they had died more or less straight away. He had managed to flee but he could've swore the zombie was still following him, wanting to tear his throat open too. The brunette was lucky. If it wasn't for his great hearing he wouldn't have heard the zombie and jumped out of the way. So when the zombie came, he had heard it already. But he didn't have time to warn the person he was with, so the zombie caught them and well.. killed them. Suddenly, there was a loud snap beneath the boy, causing him to nearly jump out of his skin. Looking down he groaned with irritation when he saw the snapped stick underneath his foot. Suddenly, he heard rustling in the distance. He twisted around to face where it was coming from, terror rising inside of him when he heard the sound of multiple zombies approaching. He pulled out his wooden baseball bat with nails driven into it and held it tight. He began to back up quickly, not taking his eyes off of the area where he had heard the zombies. This was useless. Shaking his head, he turned around and fled as fast as he could through the trees, and as soon as he did he heard the zombies erupt from the bush they had come from. Risking it all, he turned his head towards them only to find they were gaining on him and fast. Panicking, he changed direction and nearly ran into a tree, but he didn't let that slow him down. One zombie launched itself at him, but he managed to jump out of the way and dodge it completely, though he wasn't so lucky the second time it happened. He let out a startled yell as it latched itself onto him. It went to bite his shoulder, but he managed to sling himself into a tree, dislodging the zombie from himself. He swung his bat at its head, smoothly slicing it off. The other two zombies had fell behind, but hadn't give up chasing him. Giving out a frustrated groan, he managed to outrun them completely, having to run through many brambles and thorn bushes to do so. Once he was certain he had escaped, he fell to the ground panting against a tree. His shoulder stung. Had the zombie managed to bite him after all? Was this the end? But when he pulled his sleeve off of where it stung, he noticed it was just a thorn that had somehow driven itself into his skin. He let out a sigh of relief and plucked it out, wincing a little. Blood welled out of his shoulder for a few seconds before coming to a stop. He pulled his shoulder sleeve back over it and flicked the thorn onto the ground. He allowed himself to catch his breath as he stay sat panting. He would've done anything for a bottle of water right now, but unfortunately for him he hadn't had so much of a drip of water for a few days, and his throat was as dry as anything. He was surprised he even had energy to do what he just did, but supposed it was from the few berries he had been living on. Luckily for him, he knew the right stuff to eat out in the wild unlike some who had died trying. He had found quite a few blackberries and gooseberries in the forest he was currently in, which was one benefit of being there. Sighing, he looked up. He noticed that there were less trees in the distance, slowly thinning out, it didn't take him long to figure out he had come to the end of the forest. Sighing with relief, he stood up and made his way towards the edge. He was sick of the forest by now, and he swore he had been going in circles until now. Eventually, he stepped out of the forest and onto a grassy field. He looked around, thankful to finally be out of the forest which seemed to stretch on for years. His legs ached, but he couldn't stop now. Looking around, he figured he'd try to find a gas station of some sort to raid. He wasn't sure of which way to go, but decided he'd go with his instinct and go across the grass until he found a road - and that's what he did. He still found it weird going along a road with no cars whatsoever, he almost felt as if he was going to jinx himself and a car was going to come and knock him over right at that moment. But of course that didn't happen. He followed the path alongside the road, and spotted a gas station coming up. Hope flared inside his chest, but he didn't let it last long. It was most likely raided or swarming with zombies. He gulped. He was all alone with one weapon and no one to defend him if something did go wrong. He could get killed straight away by going inside and nobody would ever know. Shaking the thought away from his head, he slowly approached the door of the gas station. It looked empty inside, making him sigh in annoyance. All that way and for what? He slowly opened the door, holding his bat close to him ready for something to jump out. But that never happened. He was suspicious about it at first, but decided to just go along with it. Blood and glass was on the floor which told him someone and been in there previously. As he slunk around the corner of an aisle, he found a rucksack on the ground. It looked full, but of what? Zombie blood and flesh? He knelt down and slowly picked it up, feeling grossed out by the heaviness of what could possibly be remains of someone. But when he peered inside, it wasn't what he had fully expected to find. Inside was a few energy drinks and loads of snacks, crisp packets to Reese's Cups and more. He let out a satisfied grunt and stood up, closing the rucksack and throwing it over his shoulder to carry. Just as he thought everything was going great, he heard a growl from behind him. He felt terror sweep over him from head to toes, and he quickly whipped around and was met with a zombie. As it went to grab him, he swung his bat at its head, chopping it off. Weak. The brunette gave a sigh of relief, deciding to get out of there as fast as he could. As he got to the door, he noticed a mirror above it and looked into it, barely recognising the person he saw as himself. His hair was duller but somehow well kept, though it was a bit scruffy. He had a fairly fresh cut stretching from just under his eye to his jaw - fortunately it wasn't deep - and dirt was plastered on his face. His clothes were pretty messed up, with a few rips from getting caught on things. His mixed coloured eyes gleamed as he stared at himself, and he slowly reached his hand to his cheek, but something began to shuffle about just behind the counter. Not daring to stay to see if it was a person or zombie, he fled through the door and headed towards the grassy field he had come from. It didn't take long to walk along the path and cross the road. Now he just had to find somewhere to shelter that wasn't the forest. Sighing, he decided to walk In a straight line across the field which seemed to last forever. Moments later, the sky began to darken and a light rain started to fall, soaking the brunette fairly quick. He murmured a few cusses and pulled his hood up, walking faster. Eventually he stumbled across a pretty tall hill, and he peered around it to see what was behind it. There were three other hills, and they were all dotted around as if in an act of protecting the grassy clearing. The hill opposite had a gaping hole, and the inside looked gloomy. There was a stream running through the grassy clearing too, presumably leading to another forest of some sorts. Great, just what I looove. Forests. Rolling his eyes, he held up his bat and made his way over to the hole in the hill. He peered inside to be met with absolutely nothing except for dry grass. He walked to the back slumped into the corner, exhausted. The boy was appreciative to finally have found somewhere to shelter for the night, or maybe for longer than that. Sighing, he closed his eyes and drifted to sleep.

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