Chapter 4

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George woke up with a start, he thought he had heard something and for him it was really loud. When he looked around him he saw two others which sent a tremor of fear down him, but then he remembered the events from yesterday. They were both flat out, so what was that noise? Slowly, George stood up with his bat and walked over to the entrance, his heart thumping so hard he thought it would wake up the others. When he got outside, he saw someone kneeled down at the stream. They noticed him and looked up after nearly jumping out their skin - it was Sapnap. "Oh, hey George. You scared me."
"Wha- huh? You were just fast asleep in there.." George trailed off, knowing he must've sounded crazy.
"Oh, that was just the rucksack I've been carrying around for God knows how long and your rucksack. I put them together." He explained with a smile. "Did they really look like me?" Sapnap chuckled. He was filling up the empty water bottles that he had.
"Oh, sorry. Makes sense." George sat beside him. "I thought there were zombies outside or something." He chuckled.
"Was I that loud? I was trying not to make any sound." The raven-haired male rubbed the back of his head apologetically.
"No no, I don't think you were making much sound. My hearing has increased drastically since the apocalypse started and I don't know why. It's not like I'm blind, so my senses haven't gone up 'cause of that, it's like some super power of some sort." George murmured, sounding half baffled.
"Hm, that's the first I've heard of that." Sapnap replied, sounding just as confused. "But that's useful, don't you think?"
"Yeah. It's what saved me from getting my throat torn out. I heard the zombie so I jumped out of the way In time and sacrificed someone else." The brunette laughed. "Not like I'd do it again, not on purpose anyways. I didn't mean to, I just didn't have time to warn them. But it's not like I cared about them."
"I take it you didn't like the person who got killed, then?" The raven-haired boy snorted, letting out a small chuckle when George nodded in response.
"He thought he could boss me around constantly and it pissed me off." The brunette shrugged, his voice cool."
"Oh, well I don't think you'll like Dream much then." Sapnap shrugged.
"And why's that?" Came a voice from behind them - it was Dream.

The two turned to face him. "Well for starters you seem like a prick." George said without any hesitation. "And you clearly think you're boss around here."
"That's because I am boss around here, stranger. So don't get thinking I won't kick you out if you get on my nerves." Dream growled. He clearly wasn't a fan of the brunette.
"Oh, whatever." George rolled his eyes, staring up at the blonde for a moment and taking in his features - especially his emerald green eyes and the freckles dotted across his face. He looked awfully familiar and it was pissing him off that he didn't know where from. His mind had gotten so foggy that he couldn't remember much from when the apocalypse had started at all, never mind what had happened before it began.
George looked into Sapnap's dark grey eyes. He looked familiar too. Had he met them before, or seen them somewhere?  He even felt as if he had heard their names before. Shaking off the thought, he looked down at the stream. He saw his own reflection, and for a moment saw a younger and more pure version of himself staring back up at him. He looked up to where Sapnap was, but he wasn't there. He hadn't even noticed him leave at all. Baffled, he stood up and brushed himself off, walking inside of the cavern to grab a snack from his rucksack. When he did, he noticed Dream speaking to Sapnap in a hushed tone towards the back of the cave. Unbothered, George bent down to grab a packet of popcorn from the rucksack, startling the taller blonde. He hadn't noticed George walk in, nor had Sapnap noticed."Sorry if I disturbed a meeting or whatever but I'm hungry." The brunette shrugged, opening the pack and eating some of the popcorn.
"It's fine-" Sapnap spoke, but Dream interrupted him. "We want you to start doing some work around here. We're not just going to let you crash for free."
"Okay, boss." George scoffed, clearly annoyed. "What do you want me to do? Hand feed you?"
"No." Dream folded his arms, his sword at his side. "You're coming out with me and showing me the places of these berries."
"Oh, do I really have to go back to the forest?" George complained. He saw Sapnap wince.
"Yes." Dream spoke darkly. "Do you want to stay here or not?"
"Oh, fine whatever." George sighed, leading the way out. He didn't check if the taller male was following him until he got beyond the hills, and when he turned back he saw that he was indeed following but keeping a distance. "Sapnap isn't coming? Oh come on." George groaned, knowing it would've been way easier and laid back if Sapnap was there too.
"No, he's defending the hills and making sure no others come and crash there like you did." Dream replied, his voice cold.
The brunette didn't like how Dream treated him. A little respect would've been nice, but no. Instead he was being treated like a dog.
Eventually, the two made it to the forest. George cast a glance around the place, trying to remember where they could find berries.
"I'm starting to think you don't know where to find anything." Dream spoke up, his voice showing irritation.
"Shut up, I know more than you do." George murmured. He did know, but he didn't know where to go from there. It wasn't like he visited that part of the forest often, in fact he had barely managed to escape it. The two walked on, and suddenly the brunette noticed what looked like a bit of ripped clothing with blood on a spiky bush. "Oh, that's where that cut came from." George shrugged.
Dream gave him a confused look but shortly realised that the blood and ripped clothing belonged to the brunette.
"I think I know where to go from here.." George spoke, going a completely different direction. Dream followed, keeping watch of their surroundings. Just as Dream looked away, he heard multiple growls from infront of him, and he turned his head back to where it came from. His eyes widened when he saw about seven zombies stumbling through the leafy undergrowth to catch their prey - him. He held his sword up, ready to take them all on at once although that would be tricky. George was nowhere in sight...
Slowly he backed up, holding his sword in-front of him. His heart was racing. The brunette had left him to die, just what he had done with his old group. One zombie jumped at him and went to bite him, but Dream was quicker and sliced its head off, black blood spluttering over the plants and trees. One by one, he managed to kill each and every one of them. It wasn't as hard as he had expected. Panting, he looked around him at the dead corpses. Suddenly, another rustling made him twist around. Instead of a zombie, he was met with the brunette who had betrayed him. He was looking at the zombies in pure shock. "What-"
Not letting him finish his sentence, Dream roughly grabbed the collar of his hoodie and threw him against a tree, holding him there. He heard a small gasp of shock from the smaller boy. He held his sword to his neck, threatening to kill him right there and then. "You fucking left me to die." Dream snarled, panting. "Do you really think it would be that easy?"
"I-I don't know what you're talking about! I swear I thought you were following me." George stumbled over his words, eyeing the sword that was beneath his chin. He was clearly anxious.
"We both know that's not true." Dream spat. "Just admit it, you were going to leave me to die. But once you saw that I had defeated them all, you came back acting all innocent thinking that I'd forgive you."
"That's not-" The brunette spoke, but Dream interrupted him. "I bet the members of your old group are alive and are hiding somewhere. You want us dead so you can claim the hills for your own."
"No-" George gasped. Dream had slit his throat a little, drawing blood. He had never liked the brunette from the start and nor did he like him now. "Don't you dare come back, you understand? Because if you do, that cut on your throat will be the least of your worries." Dream spat, throwing the smaller boy to the floor. George didn't even try to fight back or speak. Not like he had the chance too, because the tall blonde had already stormed off. Something inside him told him to chase after him but he refrained. He'd only likely end up dead.

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