Chapter 3

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"Oh my god I don't believe we found a gas station and found nothing except for zombies. Bro, we nearly died!" Sapnap exclaimed in disbelief as the two walked back to their makeshift den. "Trust me." Dream scoffed. "Thought we would've atleast found something in there, but I guess not."
The raven-haired boy groaned, his stomach rumbling. "No food all day. I think I'm gonna starve to death, never mind the zombies."
"I know." Dream agreed. "Me too."
The two walked in silence as they walked back to the hills, the steady rain slowly soaking them. Eventually they made it to the hills and walked inside with their weapons held close, just incase a zombie or two had stumbled inside. Sapnap let out a gasp of shock when he saw a small dark shape laying in the back corner. Dream noticed it seconds after Sapnap did and pushed the raven-haired boy back, stepping towards with his sword pointed towards the blur in the corner. Was it a human? A zombie? "Hello?" Sapnap called.
The shape jumped and looked up at the two - a human. He had long brown hair and one eye was brown, the other being blue. His eyes widened for a moment, before he calmed down again and stood up holding his bat close to him. "What?" The boy spoke darkly. He didn't seem pleased to see them. "This is our base." Sapnap stood back beside Dream. "And you're in it."
"Oh well how was I supposed to know? Is your name engraved somewhere?" The smaller boy looked around at the walls. "Hm, I don't see anything." Then he looked back at them, his eyes sparkling with sarcasm and a slight hint of mockery.
"No, but we got here recently and before you did." Dream stepped forward, pointing the sword dangerously close to the brunette. "So get out."
"No." The brunette tipped his chin up, meeting the taller male's eyes with no traces of fear whatsoever. "Why should I? I'm staying here now."
"Oh for God sake, don't make me drag you out." The blonde snarled, pointing the sword at the brunettes neck. He didn't seem to care.
"It's raining, come on. Don't tell me you're going to make me go back out? I only just found my way out of the forest you imbecile." The brunette folded his arms In annoyance.
"Maybe he could join us." Sapnap suggested, making Dream turn to him looking as if he just suggested feeding themselves to the zombies.
"Have you gone mad?" Dream scoffed, lowering his sword.
"No, he's got some sense actually. I could help you out, I know which berries are edible and where to find them. And.." the brunette chirped, taking his rucksack off. He opened it and showed them what was in it. "I raided a gas station."
"Come on man. You can't say no to him now." Sapnap said, a hint of desperation in his voice. He was obviously hungry as he had stated six hundred trillion times on their journey.
"Oh, fine. But I'm keeping an eye on you." Dream groaned, his tone threatening as he fixed the smaller brunette with a glare.
"Deal." The boy smirked.
"Finally, oh my god food. Could I have some?" Sapnap asked with a big grin on his face as he went over to the stranger who was now part of their 'group.' Dream's eyes followed Sapnap - he looked annoyed.
"Sure, help yourself." The boy placed the rucksack down for Sapnap to help himself.
"Thanks, man!" Sapnap hadn't sounded this happy in a few days, Dream noticed. Sapnap kneeled down to dig through the rucksack to find something he thought would be most filling.
Dream glared at the brunette. The boy noticed but instead of shrinking back in fear, he returned the glare and stuck his tongue out with a smug grin. "Oh fuck off." Dream mumbled, looking away. He walked over to the entrance.
Sapnap had decided to open an energy drink as he felt drained, and he had grabbed a packet of crisps, standing up beside the brunette. "So." Sapnap asked, catching the brunettes attention. "What's your name?" He took a sip of the energy drink, looking at the smaller boy expectantly.
"Oh, er, George." He shrugged.
Sapnap choked on his drink but forced himself to swallow it. "George?"
"Yes." The boy looked confused.
"Oh, okay. Sorry, that's just the name of a friend from highschool. We lost him as soon as the apocalypse started and we haven't seen him since." Sapnap sighed.
"Oh." The brunette murmured, not carrying on with the conversation.

Sapnap inspected the boy - he was short but not much shorter than himself. His hair was scruffy and he looked as if he had been through a lot of trouble. He must've been glad to finally find a place to take refuge.

"Soo.. have you been by yourself since the start of the apocalypse? Or.." Sapnap asked.

"Yeah, basically. I don't really remember much if I'm honest but I did find a few people to stick around with. That's until they all died one by one. The last one of the group just got killed, I watched him get his throat torn out. So I've been alone for the past few days, I think, but now I've found another group. You guys." George replied, sounding more exhausted as he spoke. "I hope you don't leave us to die." Sapnap laughed a little, trying to crack a joke. Then, he realised that he had not taken any food or drink for himself, so he grabbed an energy drink and passed it to George, who smiled slightly as a thanks. He opened it and took a few sips of it, clearing his throat. When he spoke, it was much clearer. "I won't. The other group wasn't so great so.. mm, You know." His accent was more clear too, though it was faint.
"Are you British?" Sapnap suddenly asked, making George laugh a little. "What, how do you know? Is my accent that obvious? I thought that had faded. But yeah, I am."
"Ah, okay." Sapnap smiled. "You know, it's nice to have others around."
George gave him a faint smile. A familiar smile.
"Anyways. What's your name?"
"Sapnap. That dickhead is Dream." Sapnap pointed towards Dream, who only glared at him in response.
"Ah." George murmured. The names sounded familiar to him but he didn't say anything. It had been two years since he had seen anyone he knew, so it would be wrong to assume the names were familiar although they were.
"What's up with him?" The brunette then spoke up once more. "Get his ass in a twist?"
"No, I just don't like the vibe you give off." Dream spat in response.
"Oh, I have a vibe? You too. American and stupid." He added more quietly to himself, "like all Americans."
Dream furrowed his eyebrows. "You think that's an insult?"
"Never said it was, sir. Keep your head screwed on." George retorted, not scared whatsoever of the taller blonde.
"Food, but at what cost? You two constantly arguing?" Sapnap joked.
"Shut up." The other two boys said at the exact same time, which made them glare angrily at one another.
"Jesus Christ." The raven-haired boy murmured.
"Well I'm going to sleep. It's what I was doing before you two rudely interrupted me." George scoffed, his temper short as he lay down , facing away from them both. Soon enough, he fell asleep.
Dream rolled his eyes irritably and turned away, watching for any zombies. "You get some sleep too, Sap."
The raven-haired boy opened his mouth to protest but clearly thought better of it. He lay down and closed his eyes, swiftly drifting into a deep sleep.

Dream looked out into the distance. There were no sign of zombies around the area they had decided to make camp in - not yet atleast. All they needed to do was add a tall barrier made of brambles and thorns to keep out any unwanted zombies, obviously keeping an entrance for themselves, and perhaps they could keep watch from the top of the hills. Dream let out a quiet sigh. He wasn't used to another person with them. That would mean another person to worry about that wasn't himself or Sapnap, but if it weren't for the brunette they would've gone to sleep with an empty stomach once again. Perhaps the new member of their so called 'group' was a good thing. Dream had overheard the two talking, the brunette had been with another group until a few days ago, and during those few days he had kept himself alive, so that had to be a good sign. He would be a valuable member to the group, perhaps in the future they could find more people and form a squad? But he wasn't sure if he liked that idea. After all, he'd never liked being in large groups. In highschool, it was always just him, Sapnap and George. His heart skipped a beat. The brunette had the same name and the same eyes. Heterochromia wasn't a common thing either, so the chances were short that it wasn't the George they once knew. If it was, he'd clearly grown more short-tempt than he had been and certainly taller. The thought made Dream smile a little. Could it be?

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