Chapter 5

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Sapnap was stood inside the cavern waiting for Dream and George to come back. He was hoping they'd found some things to use as barriers too, but that was probably unlikely. He heard walking outside which made him look up, noticing the familiar figure of Dream. But where was George?
"Hey Dream." Sapnap spoke. He noticed his pissed off Dream looked which made him confused. What was up now? "Hey." Dream replied. "Any zombies?"
"Er, no. Where's George?" Sapnap asked, realising he might've asked a triggering question as Dreams expression hardened.  "Did something happen?"
"He's not coming back." Dream said, startling Sapnap. He went on explaining what had happened in the forest, which just shocked Sapnap even more. "You left him?" He murmured in disbelief. "He told you that he didn't realise, how are you just-"
"He clearly was lying." Dream scoffed. "Don't tell me you believe him?"
"I do, and I'm going to bring him back." Sapnap declared as he picked up his axe, heading outside.
"Are you crazy? Sap- no!" Dream called after him, grabbing his arm tight. Sapnap threw him a glare. "You're not bringing that traitor back here."
"Oh my god, can you stop being so rude?" Sapnap yanked his arm away from the blonde. "I don't know whats gotten into you. Now he's coming back whether you like it or not." And with that, the raven-haired boy headed for the forest.
Dream let out a frustrated groan, slowly slinking to the ground. "I swear to god he's going to get us killed."

* * *

George sat against a tree, the cut on his throat still oozing out blood. It stung like fury, and he was surprised that no zombies had been attracted from it. Now he truly was alone. Everyone from his previous group was dead. He just got kicked out of that group, and they had taken his food supply. He wondered how Sapnap would react to him not coming back with Dream, though he didn't think much of it. He probably didn't care, so long as they had gotten a free rucksack full of food that someone had clearly abandoned in the gas station previously. Suddenly, he heard a loud rustling, though it was distant. His head shot up, and he reached out for his bat. He had forgotten he had it until that moment. He stood up and held it infront of him, waiting for whatever it was to come out. When the thing revealed itself, he saw that it was not in fact a zombie, but Sapnap.
"Sapnap?" George muttered. He didn't know whether to be relieved or not. Was he there to finish him off perhaps?
"George." The raven-haired boy smiled slightly. "I'm so sorry for what he did.. I believe you. You thought he was following you, didn't you?"
"Yes." George was glad someone actually believed him. "I really did I.. i wouldn't have left him to fight those zombies himself."
"Don't worry. Come on, let's head back to the hills, okay? I'll help you bandage up the slit on your throat, I've got some bandages in my rucksack." Sapnap spoke. George nodded, and the two made their way back to the hills. On the way there, George felt a weird sense of Deja-vu walking with Sapnap. He felt as if he had been with him before, before the apocalypse had begun. "Sap? It's okay if I call you that.. right?" George asked.
"Yeah? And of course, man. Call me whatever." The raven-haired boy smiled.
George smiled slightly. "Okay, thanks. Anyways, Sap.. are you sure it's okay if I come back? I know you two were probably better off without me and all...."
"Hey! Don't you dare say that." Sapnap glared at him, though it wasn't hostile. "You're apart of us now."
George felt happy to hear that.
"You know, one reason why he might be such a bitch to you is because he's grieving." Sapnap spoke suddenly.
"Huh, grieving? Did someone die?" George murmured, looking up to the raven-haired male.
"No, not exactly. But we had this friend.. his name was George too. He looked awfully similar to you in a lot of ways." Sapnap shrugged. "I swear he was inlove with him."
George didn't know how to reply. How was he supposed to tell him that they seemed familiar to him too?
"But don't worry about it. Just try to get on his good side and everything will be okay."
George nodded in response. The sky was darkening now, and fortunately for them they had made it back to the hills before night had fell. When they entered the cavern, Dream looked up but didn't say a word. George thought he saw tears form in the blonde's emerald green eyes.
"Brought him back." Sapnap spoke with pride in his voice.
"Whatever." Dream grumbled, looking away.
Sapnap reached down for his rucksack and pulled out some bandages. The two exchanged a glance, and in seconds Sapnap begun to wrap the bandages around George's neck. They weren't tight, he made sure of that. It didn't take him long to finish doing it.
"Right, there we go." Sapnap grinned, placing the remaining bandages in the rucksack.
George smiled as a thanks. He felt pretty exhausted. Sighing, he went to the back corner of the cave and sat down. He wasn't going to eat that night - well he didn't plan on it originally. Sapnap threw a pack of Reese's to him. "Eat."
"You sure?" George asked, although everything in the rucksack was his anyways.
"Yes." Sapnap nodded. "And have this, too." He rolled a bottle of freshly filled water towards him. "...Thanks." George smiled and began to eat.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26 ⏰

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