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Nobuhlebenkosazane pov.

The sun penetrates my eyes , I groan feeling frustrated and in pain. Opening my eyes and quickly closing them again because of the sun , after some seconds I open them again and look around after I've adjusted to the light , I'm in my room . Looking beside me no one is there , but he did tell me that I'll wake up with him no longer here , I just thought that he would have woken me up when he was about to leave .

At the corner of my eyes , I can see a paper there and my phone also a huge glass of water . After struggling to sit up on the bed I take the paper , and ontop of it , it's a small container, opening it and inside lays a pill .

I open the paper , seeing that it's hand written , with Nhlonipho's ugly writing , if Nhlonipho were to do medicine , even if it's being a doctor , he would have excelled their hand writing , Because wow , I wonder how his teachers saw what he wrote .

I bring the paper close to my eyes and I start to read it : _‘ morning sthandwa Sami, hope you slept well , it was really a struggle to leave you in bed naked all alone , I wanted to have you right there ,but I have business to run , be back in a weeks time , I love you , take care of my cake for me , and don't do something I won't love , Ngiyakuthanda Benkosazane Wami , ohh and drink the pill , unless you want mini us running around soon , I wouldn't mind ’_

I just melt after reading what he wrote , yes it was a little struggle reading the note but it's very pleasant after you read it , Nhlonipho is so sweet , and cute when he likes , but right now my Cake , his cake as he says , is on fire , it's very sour . I take the pill putting it inside my mouth and drinking water , flashing it down my throat , I don't want to get pregnant , yet.

I don't think I want to get pregnant , I don't mind getting pregnant, having a huge belly for 9 months but , I have a fear , a fear of giving birth , Called tokophobia , this phobia started years back when I was in high school , when I saw a woman giving birth and dying after that , it was one of the episodes I saw in a series , and it left me traumatized , I don't want to leave my child all alone after giving birth to it , yes I want kids , with Nhlonipho maybe ,if he sticks around and eventually makes me his wife , but for now I don't want to get pregnant .

I take my phone after placing the glass back were it was , checking the time , it's 10 in the morning , oh my god I over slept , I usually wake up at 6 or 7 just to clean and do my morning routines . I see that they's a message from him , telling me that he reached safe and I should call him after reading this message , it was sent 2 hrs ago , meaning that he left very early , maybe around 5 in the morning.

I dial his number , calling him , he takes a while to answer it .

“ Benkosazane Wami " he say through the other line of the call.

“ how are you ? " i ask him , I know that he's great though .

“ Ngyaphila Sphalaphala Sami unjani ? ( I'm fine my beautiful how are you ) " his Zulu accent is so lovely, and deep too .

Why do I miss him already ? This sucks , I just wish that he can be close to me everytime!

I blush , but my blush is quickly swiped away by the Frown that's on my face now , I'm in pain.

“ I'm very tired , my body hurts , and my cake is sour " I confess , whining , I try to lift my leg up but that only leaves me in so much pain , causing me to flinch .

I hear him praising himself before answering to me .

“ what a great job I did then , don't worry about my cake , have a warm bath with some salt you'll be fine ” his cocky self says , extremely happy and proud about what he did , and I hate to say this but I just love him more .

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