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Nobuhlebenkosazane's pov.

Opening my eyes , I can feel someone holding me from the behind , for a moment I almost panic but I then feel how warm and tight the person is holding me , and how good the person smells , and I know for sure that it's no one other than Nhlonipho. His scent over powers me feeling up on my lungs , he smells very good .

Turning around I look at him , he's still sleeping. I then remember that what happened was all just a dream , the Amanda saga with him and me going to the park and reaching out to N'khosi after Zamokuhle did not take my calls , was all just a dream , but it sure was a very long dream as I feel that it drained the hell out of me , I feel very tired and I have to talk to him about it when he wakes up .

I'm really afraid that the dream that I had will soon turn to reality if we're both not careful , but I need to communicate with him . I yawn stretching my arms out and my mouth opening wide before closing again .

I just know that Nhlonipho loves me very much to let another woman pregnant , I know that he doesn't even look at other women so I'm really putting my faith in him and I trust him with my all . I feel my eyes tired and swollen it might be because I was crying on the dream so I might have been crying on my sleep too .

Getting up from the bed I look for my phone , I usually put it on the charger that is on the side table of the bed , but I do not find it there , maybe Nhlonipho placed it somewhere else .

I walk to the bathroom wanting to bath , I need to go to work.

Saturdays are mostly the busiest days of work because it's our final day of the week , no work on Sundays unless it's an overtime that you also get paid for .

I don't take more than 10 minutes on the shower before getting out and wearing my gown .

I walk to the kitchen and look at the watch that is clicking on top of the fridge .

‘ it's 5 am ’ I mentally say bending down to take the pan and start with breakfast .

I take out everything  that I'm going to need for breakfast and I then turn on the stove , then taking out the pot that I only use when cooking porridge.

I'll be making porridge first before I make breakfast .

I then leave the porridge to cook for itself after , going to my room . Looks like Nhlonipho is very tired today because of how much he is snoring , he only snores loud when he is tired .

I shake my head smiling , but my heart is very down because of the dream that I dreamt .

I move to the closet Deciding to wear my black suite today with a white shirt , I don't wear any tie because of how tight it would feel around my neck and I'll feel as if I'm suffocating .

I then lotion my feet , they get very dry fast so I need to lotion them with tissue oil .

After I wear my black sneakers . I do not like wearing heels because I'm not used to them . I apply Vaseline on my lips and walk out going to the kitchen.

The porridge is almost done because of how it's boiling so I turn on the stove next to it and placing a pan on top of it .

It doesn't take more than 30 minutes for me to make breakfast . And I turn the porridge stove .

I then walk to our room going to wake Nhlonipho , I need my phone.

“ Nipho, wake up ” i wiggle him .

“ mmmh ” he mumbles rubbing his eyes with the back of his hands .

“ wake up sthandwa ” I say and walk to the window , opening the curtains and opening the windows so that fresh air will come inside .

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