It's a ✨seashell✨

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"Who said I was going to rule it?"

Persephone blinked. 

"You mean, you're not?" She asked. He shrugged.

"I don't know. Probably going to die, and if I do, oh well. Tell Neeks I'm still going to call him Death Breath no matter what." He smiled half-heartedly. She looked at him concernedly. 

"Don't think like that. You're going to survive." She promised, placing a hand on his. "If you die, well, Hades is going emo mode like that one time of the Roaring 20s." Percy did a double take.

"He went emo during the Roaring 20s?" He whistled. "Dam." Hehe. Dam. 

"Trust me, you don't want any more details." She sighed, standing up quickly. "Well, I best be checking up on Hades before he cuts out the power in the house. Goodnight." She waved, looking a bit embarrassed about the sudden awkward conversation and left the room, shutting the door behind her. Percy plopped down on the bed and closed his eyes, not wanting to sleep but feeling exhausted. 

Maybe just this one time...

He drifted off into a restless sleep as Morpheus' realm engulfed him and left him in darkness.

Percy opened his eyes and found him in a dream. The same place where he met Mnemosyne and defeated Kronos once and for all.

"Hello, Perseus." He whipped around and was met face to face with the titaness. 

"What are you doing here?" He asked. She didn't respond. Three voices echoed around him, sounding eerie and harmonic at the same time, sending chills like icy fingernails crawling up his back. He was launched upwards into the stars, the small lights now a blinding glow.

"When the moon bleeds crimson and the stars weep silver, a demigod shall rise from the ashes of betrayal. His name, whispered by the winds, shall be both curse and salvation." 

Percy saw Artemis wounded by Kronos, and far above, Zoe's faint outline seemed to cry a glorious light.

Born of mortal flesh and divine blood, he walks a treacherous path—a blade concealed beneath a cloak of loyalty. The Titans, ancient foes of Olympus, shall embrace him as kin. Their whispers shall echo through the warmth of the hearth, and their promises of dominion shall flow in his blood.

Those words sounded familiar, and yet Percy had never heard this before. 

The gods, blinded by their own pride, shall see only the surface—a pawn dancing to the Titans' tune. They shall cast their judgments upon him, their wrath like thunderbolts hurled from the heights.

Well, that was definitely true. Percy found himself staring into Mnemosyne's glowing eyes, which were unblinking and focused.

Yet, little do they know—the demigod's heart is a labyrinth. His loyalties split like lightning across a storm-dark sky. For within his chest beats not one allegiance, but two.

He saw himself, cloaked and half-blinded like he was now, standing in the middle of the sky. Percy's thoughts raced in his mind, not knowing what the point of this was.

He moves among the Titans, weaving their plots into a tapestry of deceit. He whispers secrets into the ears of Kronos, the ancient Titan King, and sows discord among their ranks. His laughter echoes in the caverns of Tartarus, and his tears fall like rain upon the ashen plains.

Countless battles flash before his eyes, the thousands of monsters he'd killed, Max's death, even Poseidon's and Hermes', fading into a golden and red blur.

A Dark Legacy (Percy Jackson betrayed fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now