Oh, I just yeeted him into the Sea of Chaos, nothing much

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Tanks for 700 votes and 20k views!!!

For any of those whom are confused (plenty of you Im sure) that last chapter and this is going to be a short teeny crossover with Spy School. Nothing much. However, I totally recommend spy school for reading!!! it's an awesome series, and the author is almost as good as our uncle Rick!

Ok enough of that

Enjoy the chapter <3

Percy's face immediately blanched at the sound of Erica's voice.

"No. No, this didn't happen." He muttered. "No, no, no, no, no." Ben looked at him concernedly.

"Did you know him?" He asked. Percy nodded sullenly. Despite Mr. Chase being the father of the one and only Amnabitch, he was quite fond of him and his wife. At least he wasn't like his daughter.

"He was my fiancée's father." He mumbled. "Gods dam it. I hate my life." Erica showed no emotion towards it, but Ben was a little more sympathetic.

"What happened to your fiancée?" He slowly let Percy get up from the ground.

"Dead." He said timelessly. Ben was shocked. His fiancée was dead too? Dang.

"You think he killed Fredrick Chase?" Ben whispered to Erica. She scanned Percy up and down.

"I don't know." She replied quietly. "His body language is hard to decipher, for once." Percy's stance was guarded and tense, but he still seemed truly heartbroken.

"Let me ask you one thing." Erica said cautiously. "Are you a murderer?" Percy bit his lip nervously.

"I'm sorry I have to do this." He lashed out, quick as a dart and put a headlock on Ben. "No one can know I'm here."

"Stop!" She commanded, fear hinting in her voice. Ben scowled at Percy, all sympathy for the young man gone.

"You're killing me like every other murderer, aren't you?" He growled. "Of course you were bluffing." Percy stared at him in surprise.

"Kill you? Why would I kill you?" He asked. "I'm just going to do this." He snapped his fingers. "You haven't seen anything. I was never here. You never saw me." Ben's eyes rolled up into his head and he dropped onto the floor, unconscious.

"That's better—ACK!" He fell on the dirt with Erica on top of him, a knife at his throat. "You haven't seen anything either!" He snapped his fingers hastily before she could say another word. He sighed in relief as her eyes glazed and she collapsed onto the ground, knocked out cold.

"Thanks, Hecate." Percy murmured, looking back at the two sleeping agents. "Sorry, guys. Peace out." He disappeared into the air, leaving in the dead of night.

Line break sponsored by me, AthenasGirl2028, and kktjustforreads fangirling over the new upcoming release of The Underworld by Jorge Rivera-Herrans

Percy reappeared in another forest. After all, it wouldn't be wise to hang out near human civilization when the CIA were out hunting for him.

"I think I'll hide out in the Labyrinth for now." He muttered. "Stupid CIA, coming after me. I have enough on my plate." He pressed a blue glowing triangle on a tree trunk, and a crevice opened before him. 

Making sure no one was watching him, he ducked into the hole and let his eyes adjust to the darkness.

Something moved in the darkness. 

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