Oh, I don't do threats. I do promises.

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Yes, this will be a slight Kane crossover!! also there will be some spoiler for the crossover from Uncle Rick's own crossover from his books The Son of Sobek and the other two i forgot the name of :P

also note that it's been a while since i read the Kane Chronicles so it might not be accurate


The Brooklyn House—

"He's bleeding out!" Sadie gasped. Jaz suddenly appeared in the doorway of the 1st floor.

"Who's bleeding out—oh my goodness." She crouched down besides the mysterious person who just randomly spawned in from nowhere. "Carter, get some more healing potions and bandages from the infirmary. Sadie, can you get a bowl of water?"

"But what if—"

"NOW!" Carter flinched. It wasn't like Jaz to be this harsh, but then again, she was a healer who obviously cared about anyone that was hurt. Unless she was yeeting her enemies across the battlefield with magic, that is.

"This is bad. Very, very bad." She murmured, taking the dagger from his stomach and putting pressure on it to make it stop bleeding.

"What's going on?" Walt strolled into the room but froze when he saw the body lying on the floor. "Holy shit."

"I've got the water!" Sadie rushed in with a bucket.

"Good." She took it and ripped off a piece of cloth and soaked it in the water, carefully cleaning it, making sure the wound didn't bleed out.

Then the most bizarre thing happened.


Jaz shrieked as the stranger opened his eyes. She eyed the wound nervously and found it was already knitting itself together. She gaped.

"I've got the—WHAT THE—?!" Carter yelped as the young man sat up, looking dazed and pained.

"What am I doing here?" He rubbed his eyes as if he was waking up in the morning. His face paled as he saw the horror on their faces. "Oh gods."

*cue awkward silence*

"Who—who are you?" Jaz was the first to shake out of her stupor. The dude just gave her a hard, but not hostile stare with his multicolored eyes. One green, one black. It looked insane. Or heterochronic. Either way, it was still unnerving.

"Names have power." He said simply, his jaw stiffening. Reference :D

"Wait a second..." Carter squinted at his face and gasped. "You—you're Percy Jackson?!" Percy sighed.

"I hate being infamous." He muttered. "Hello, Carter Kane. Haven't seen you in a while, huh?" Carter nodded grimly. A flicker of recognition lit up on Sadie's face.

"Ohhhh, I remember you." She whispered. "You were with Annabeth." His face immediately darkened, as if having a flashback.

"Percy Jackson...?" Walt repeated, looking bewildered. "Goodness. I can't believe it—the gods have been speaking of you." Percy glared at Sadie's boyfriend.

"Of course they have, they always do." He rolled his eyes. "Who are you?"

"Anubis, god of death and funerals. Walt Stone here is my host."

"Your host?!" Percy looked horrified. "You're fucking possessing the poor dude?! And what happened to Thanatos?" Walt sighed.

"We're Egyptian." He explained. "Different gods. You're in Brooklyn, not Manhattan." Percy had an 'aha' moment.

"Ohhhh, so that's why—SHIT—" He suddenly leapt up. "Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit. I'm not supposed to be here." Jaz stopped him.

"I know our gods mustn't cross, but you still need to rest." She sat him back down and handed him a healing potion. Percy snorted.

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