Glorp'n'going feral

514 11 10

(( !! NOTE! this takes place BEFORE arc 1. So that's why infected is just walking around lol. Enjoy!))

Dibby (AKA Swibbledib) kicked the door open with the two black garbage bags in her arms, grumbling under her breath, the air around her was chilly as she walked towards the large heavy duty garbage bin, holding her breath and attempting to open the lid before throwing the two bags inside and closing, almost gagging her lunch away.

God how much she hated this job. The job to throw away garbage of course- she didn't mind sweeping or talking to customers sometimes, but there's just something about walking down a dark alleyway with wet garbage and having to get near the Ebola-infested garbage bin that just made dibby's skin crawl.

Especially when she's alone and it's so..quiet..

Almost like anything could pop up...

Rustle rustle

Peak of the devil.

Dibby almost jumped from the noise, frantically looking around frantically before she saw a figure sit on the floor, placing what seems to be a skateboard next to it...

They looked familiar...

They looked like..


Dibby instantly relaxed their muscles and walked towards infected, happy seeing on of their good friends here.

"Hey infected." She greeted, causing the poor boy to flinch a little but chuckle at her presence.

"H3y D1b!"

"my glorp did you almost gave me a heart attack-"

"I m34n 1z m1dn1ght- 1 d0nt bl4m3 Yu0-" he chuckled back with her until Dibby decided to sit beside infected, her break was coming in 5 anyways.

"Sooo, what brings you here?" She mentioned, fiddling with her earring on one of her antenna's.

"0h n0th1ng, I w4s jUst k1nd4 b0r3d 1n th3 3l3v4t0r.."

"Yeah. Must be boring sitting in the same position for hours huh?"

"Mhm" infected nodded, fiddling with his fingers

"But how IS the elevator like?"

"W3ll..ch04t1c s0m3t1m3s? BUt 1n a gud w4y! L1k3 ppl thr0w t0m4t03z 4t 34ch0th3r br4h!"

"Damn really?? Eugh must be a glorpin mess to clean."

"Y34h h4h4, l4mp3rt k33pz l0z1ng h1s s##t!" He laughed slightly, earning another from Dibby.

"glopes not lampert! Oh yeah have you heard about the new Pokémon shiny glitch they found?"

"0MG Y34H!! 1'v3 b33n abUs1n' d4 h3ck 0Ut 0f it >_<!! M4yb 1 c4n sh0w U wh3n I g3t my DS n3xt t1m3 ^_^"

"Sounds pretty cool, Hey, you know, you haven't been at my place since like, forever! Maybe we can go and play some Pokémon there."

"S0undz pr3tty c00l 2 m3!"

"Sold! So which day?"

"A..." infected suddenly stopped, feeling his stomach churn slightly and feel funny, like his own body as it heat up slightly, he gulped the excessive drool pooling around his mouth "uhm...thUrsd4y 1m fr33..s0 m4yb th..3r3.."

"Alright seems good enough for me!" Dibby exclaimed happily until they noticed infected sweating and curling up a little "? Dude you good?"

"0h...m3? 1'm...f1n3..." he exhaled, feeling his chest tightening

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