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"S0 l!Ek....w4t h4Pp3nEd 2 d4d?"

Mark sipped his Red Bull as she looked over to the side "well uh, ta' be honest wit' ya son, I have no idea m'self, all I heard was tha' his car broke' down on tha' middle of nowhare'" he sighed, continuing his drink as infected watched him from across the small low table set between them.

"..I h0P€ h3z 0K." Infected muttered "I k1Nd4 m@d3 h1M m4d @ m3h- h€H3-"

"Mad? Why though?"

Infected side glanced at mark for a brief moment before turning away in shame "s0 H3 w4Z @ a d4T€ w/ j3R3mY & I m4444yyyyy 0r m4y n0T h4V€......sPy3d 0n d3M....." he coughed out as mark stopped sipping and slowly have infected a side eye.

"Yer what"


"Infected are yer insane!? Of course yer dad got mad at ya! Like imagine if HE spyed' on ya while ya tried t' date someone!"

"D4T'd b w€!rD-"

"'Excatly! So stay outta his business!"

"BUt U d0n'T g€T It!!!! !tz j3r3mY!!!"

"Who' cares if the guy's name is Jeremy??"

"H3s d4 p!Nk cUb€ wH0 tUrNz ppl 2 'pR3ttI pR!ncess€S'"

Mark stopped for a moment before suddenly yelling out "HE'S THA' WHO NOW?????"

"Y34H H!M!!!!!!!"

"Oh god.....son'" mark placed a hand onto his shoulder "Imma make sure ta' be prayin' for yer sanity."


"Like I dont get out mozelle he just won't tell me!" Jeremy scoffed as he stopped the small cup of tea within his massive hands "he just called me in the dead of night and I had to drag him with WILLIAM! Can you believe it??"

Mozelle listened carefully, and started to squeak, to the average person, she just be speaking mouse, but to Jeremy; she could fully understand her as he groaned and rolled his eyes "I know he's got problems- but driving in the middle of no where and then calling me instead of oh I don't know- a tow truck when his car broke down was just, really concerning and confusing! And he won't tell me anything more he just said he didn't want to talk about it! Mozelle, I love him but sometimes he's just too stubborn when it comes to dealing with stuff!"

Mozelle squeaked again, saying to Jeremy that unpleasant probably needed space and that he will deal with his past sooner or later, for no one can really run away from it or bottle it up

"Its not like that its like...he keeps wallowing in it and won't say anything about it at the same time! It's ridiculous!"

Mozelle half-agreed but reminded him that unpleasant is still very much troubled, and it's hard for people to just open up, besides, healing is a messy process and it'd take a while for him to have at least some stable ground, just like Jeremy has (albeit crushing peoples skills thanks to her naturally evil nature is not the best way to stress relief) and he sighed

"Alrighty I guess you're...sorta right, but I'm still worried about gradie...speaking of which where is he?"

Mozelle suggested to call him and Jeremy decided to do just that, albeit he was a little hesitant, the phone rang for a seemingly long while till unpleasant finally picked it up

"..Hello?" Unpleasant spoke in a rather quiet and raspy tone, an indicator that he was crying.

"Gradie? You doing good?I just wanted to check up on you..-"

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