Never they ponder, whether electric, calming if you look at it right :)

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Infected managed to pull himself together, dragging through the barren wasteland of a place as he was met with nothing but the scorching sun and dried plants, the place was still sad though despite how bright it should be.

As he dragged his sore feet across the cracked sandy floors, his body transforming and shrinking from the big, bodily beast he was to the wimpy human he'd always hide into, and the distance indicated that this would go on for a few more hours, which infected dreaded deeply, but knew it was necessary if he wanted to die in at least some form of peace.

But the distance indicated something else, not the endless plain of dry area, but something else too, something far bigger, greater, and more importantly; alive.

But infected could care less, or rather, not notice, for the sun was such a scorching torch that he'd had to keep his head low to continue to trek the endless suburbs of apocalyptic desert without his vision being burned off, not noticing the looming mutant watching over him intently, hungrily, it had'nt eaten in some time.

So, as infected finally decided to look up to the strange dry noises echoing throughout the seemingly empty plains, he'd get greeted by the thing looking over, 17 feet tall, the thing's flesh was melted and roped around his body like dried taffy, its skeleton and veins popping, devoid of any blood, its face indicated something terrible had been cursed upon it, it's colors and slight recognizable biology indicated a gradient, like his father but....desaturated and darkened, but even then infected could register the purple and blue hues melted off of its skin like its  teeth, nerves hanging out in some areas, making it painful for the creature to even live, but nonetheless, it lived, and it lived long enough to witness its metaphorical nephew cower before him, it's melted and outstretched hand reaching out to the poor and screaming boy as he ran away, the thing floating towards him slowly.

As infected crewed through his sweat and the dust, as his legs felt the stabbing sensation of soreness everytime he stepped afoot to run, as his heart almost exploded within his chest to the dwindling energy, he'd noticed something small, like a bump, a bump coming from the ground, made out of stone...

Like...a tombstone.

That...that was it!

His fathers grave! 

But Infected knew he couldn't rest easy now as a new kind of fear emerged from him, a fear that whatever that...eldrithc THING was. It might damage the resting place for his dad, to break it, to set it for the calendar for its second death, the second death of being forgotten, so he decided to manavaur to the let, to keep the giant creature distacrting, its speed increasing as time went on, and before infected knew it, he'd reached his theoretical destination.

The cliff edge of a large and holy crater, with just a pillar of rock in th e middle almost like something was dropped, a meteor? A bomb? He'll never know and he'd rather not know especially with that mysterious pillar, and while infected had assumed hiding was the best thing, this was better, he saw the creature zoom towards him, and as it assumingly jumped at him, infected managed to drop dead set on the floor, flattening his own body, feeling the claws slightly scrape his back as the creature screeched, falling into the deep pit of the crater, its body shrinking through infecteds view as he had gotten up and examined the consequence of his action.

For once he might have caused something good.

At least that's what infected thought.


As infected dragged himself back to the tombstone, the night settling in and blanketing the once harsh lights, the fireflies coveting and bathing in its natural home, the sky. Infecteds body dirtied and bloodied by all the running, his throat feeling dry and shriveled like an empty well thanks to all the screaming and panicking, he'd collapsed on the lap of the grave, feeling the slightly more moisturized sand? Dirt? Under him, he brushed his fingers over the tombstones engraved letters, letters that spelled his fathers name and date of birth. And death.

He didn't wanna focus too much on the date, for he had a conversation to finish with unpleasant.

"...D4d?" He began in a hoarse voice "1tz b33n 4 wh1l3 hUh?..."

No answer, just the crickets and the oh so deafening silence

"4ctU4ll1...ItZ B33n @ d3c4d3.."

He sniffled

"Yu0....y0U d1dnt h4v3 2 l3t urs3lf b 34t3n l1Ek d4t....yu0...yu0 d1dnt h4v3 2 l34v3 m3 l13k th4t...r1ght...?"

No answer yet again. It was starting to hurt his ears as he collapsed, hanging onto the grave.

"why...??WHY?" He sobbed, his tears, blood and snot sripping to the ground to form a disgusting puddle "WHY D1D YU0 H4V3 2 L34V3 M3 H3R3! 1M S-S0RRRYYYYY"

Int he moment of complete mental breakdown, he heaved and held his head, unable to accept the apology himself, he dug the untouched grave with his bare claws, crying and heaving heavier as he felt the disgusting and cold body of his dad..

He gasped slightly and moved all the contents of ground away from the body, seeing it, mauled and decayed, his eyes indicated that he had regret and sadness in his resting soul and body, a regret of never being there for his son enough to indirectly cause this.

He gently held the body roughly, unable to contain patience no more, and hugged it tightly. Making the body flake and crack slightly under the pressure.

"1M S0RRY!!" he screamed over and over and OVER again. Feeling the pain in his heart only deep and burn more.

Then something happened, something that made him freeze completely, making his emotions go numb for a split second.

The body moved on its own.

The hand specifically clung onto his houlder as the corpse laughed a little, making infected tremble as his dad broke the hug, looking at infected his it's worm ridden eye, his smile big and toothy, and malicious in intend

"Oh son.." it spoke, mimicking and mocking the once warm voice of his dad's to sound cold "I know you're sorry! And you know what? I'm sorry too...for ever TAKING you in. Such a respectless beast you are! I mean..who'd do that to their own father?"

Infected was at a loss for words, his brain completely breaking at the sight of his dead dads body even speaking. Making him shut down completely, not noticing a looming figure overhead.

"Why I would've rather taken care of myself seeing as you're so much better alone. I hope you were happy. Infected. I hope this was worth it. Nothing can  EVER fix this. Or anything. You CNAT fix me. And I can't fix you."

Just as infected was about to let out his bottled reaction, the figure had grabbed a hold of his head, its massive claws muffling his creams as it brought it down to its mouth and 


bit down into it.

And as the darkness immediately took over, infected was washed with calmness, an eerie calmness, as he heard a voice he'd long to hear for so long, pilbys voice as they called out to him within the finite void leading to a path of light.


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