an unpleasant realization. (part 2)

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unpleasant walked through the crowded town, trying to chase to the young kasper, calling his name and working himself up over the mischievous little boy, all until eh suddenly found himself in the darkness.

usually in his dreams something terrible would happen, the city or setting he was relaxing in would get bombed with an A-bomb, and he'd have to watch his on get burned alive, screaming for help, maybe he'd witness his son get violence and insults thrown at him like unpleasant has, and no matter how many times he screamed and begged for the imaginary people without a recognizable face to stop, they'd never comply, rendering his own son hopeless, maybe he was back with builderman, this time in a parallel situation where he'd marry him, only for him to disintegrate into nothing but a rotten mass of mauled flesh in front of him. quite traumatizing even for an old man if I do say so myself.

But something about this dream struck a different kind of fear, while not as heavy as the aforementioned ones, still made him feel cold and empty, dreadful even, on the inside, the air so thick with icy coldness his breath would be visible, cloaking his face like a packet of smoke. He was alone, but not the good kind of alone.

he walked around, still managing to remember kasper to call out for him, occasionally stopping, for his knees would throb in the icy daggering air and he'd shiver, hugging himself, feeling the cold to be almost unbearable, but finally, his hard work wouldn't be nothing as he'd a lonely mirror, copying the movement as it was supposed to, making unpleasant confused, he approached the mirror, touching its chilly smooth surface, staring deep into his face(?)

who was this man he was seeing.

he moved his locs away, revealing his dead eye and the seeping scars rendering him "hideous" in some way, he bit the edge of his lips in nervousness with his sharp teeth and let go, letting it cover his face again.

and then in a blink of an eye he saw his younger self within the mirror.

he yelped and looked at himself, still his old usual self, yet in the mirror was different, the so called reflection didn't exactly copy him, more or so eerily and traumatizingly stare at him with the big beady eyes.

geez- is that why so many people were creeped out about me?? I can definitely see why-

but then it walked out of the mirror.

!?!?!?!?!? WHAT THE-

"are you proud of yourself?'


"you know, you did everything we couldn't do. We made it so far, so, are you proud of it?"

"I-.....I don't know?"

his younger selves expression darkened with sadness

"I knew it...we're simply beyond fixin' eh?"

Interesting...broken beyond repair eh? I can make use of that...

unpleasant shook his head, he almost thought he heard a sort of echoing voice, could just be his stupid dream getting the best of him "well..I guess you can say that, but hey, at least we're still standing-"

"Then why are we drowning?"

"what are you talking about? we're obviously-"

and then he opened his eyes, his consciousness jolting him awake like a brick wall making contact with a flying human, he immediately realized what situation he was in as he saw his blurred, almost watered down vision and his lungs not being able to take in air, only water, he felt the burning sensation of water forcefully fill up his lings, making him scream out to nothing, flailing his body, panicking.

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