chapter eight ; read your mind

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"baby whats gonna happen, when it's you and me in a room but you know you can't have it?" read your mind; sabrina carpenter


"Look at you, princess. Finally growing a voice."He sneered, leaning into me. I had no where to go - I was trapped between his 6 foot frame and the bathroom counter.

"I'm not going to apologise for standing up for myself." I replied, lifting my chin to look him in the eyes. He smiled in a machiavellian manner at my words.

"Oh, no. I wasn't asking you to." He assured me, grinning at my struggle. I was starting to think there was seriously something wrong with this guy. "I'm just surprised, is all. What happened to that girl that quaked in my presence the first time we met?"

"She figured out who you really are."

Malachi hummed happily. "Is that so?" I waited for a as moment before nodding, feeling his warm fingers trace my jaw lightly. I clenched, grinding my teeth together in silent protest. "And who is that?"

"An egotistical maniac with too much freedom."

Malachi seemed amused by my answer. He crossed his arms over his chest, chuckling audibly at me. I managed to allow myself to loosen, releasing the tension building in my muscles. I didn't feel threatened or dominated any more - it seemed that Malachi and I had found even ground.

"Watch yourself, princess." He warned, rubbing his tongue over his teeth in the same way he did so often. I found it difficult to control myself when he did that; the small action was so simple, yet so attractive. "You're not all you say you are, either."

I rolled my eyes, bracing my hands on the bench behind me. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"Just that you aren't pristine and perfect. You'd like to think you are, but you aren't." He taunted me, lowering his head to some what my level.

"I don't pretend to be anything I'm not, Malachi. You might want to take a page out of my book and drop the Im so fun and bubbly! persona." I spat back, making the boy flinch. He didn't seem maddened by my words, but more so shocked. I was never mouthy - I was quite the opposite, actually. But having Malachi around so often had made me act out in odd ways.

He merely stared at me for a minute after that. When I was sure that he was finished, I nodded once, dismissively, pushing him out of the way and exiting the bathroom. I walked back down the stairs, to find Brady leaning by the front door.

"Oh, hey." He quietly said, lifting his head as he heard me approaching. He seemed to be overwhelmed with emotions and stress. I felt bad for the boy, knowing  that the majority of my reaction was because of Malachi. I trusted Brady; he wouldn't lie to me.

He wouldn't hurt me.

"Hi." I responded, slowly coming to stand in front of him. Brady peered down at me, smiling into my eyes.

"I think it'd be best if I go. I wanted to say bye to you, though." He informed me, swaying back and forth on his feet. I chewed my lip, nodding along. I knew that he was right - but I also knew that his absence would amp up the tension in the house by at least ten volumes. Malachi and I, with no intermediate force... a disaster waiting to happen.

"Thank you for coming with me." I graciously thanked to boy, to which he brushed it off like nothing. As we stood there silently for a second, Brady pulled me in for a hug.

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